| - Head out into the Mirror of Lyss to meet up with Prince Ahmtur outside Dzagonur Bastion. 4 Vabbi Guards and a Vabbi Guard Captain will be assigned to follow you. These NPCs come in very handy against the numerous groups of Margonites. As with most allies, they will only attack those in your aggro range, so bear that in mind if you are a caster or ranged attacker. Also, with the pathfinding issues plaguing the Nightfall NPCs, pay attention to these soldiers that they do not get strangely blocked by the scenery. Once you have the soldiers, head towards the first quest marker, which indicates the first group of survivors. Take the southern bridge across the lake for an easier time avoiding the many groups of Margonites. As you near the quest marker, pull the Margonites surrounding the survivors (a family of three) so that you do not aggro all of them at once. Once you've clear about two groups, there should be enough space to approach the quest marker and trigger the quest update. Repeat the above for the next two quest markers. Just pull and clear enough Margonites that you approach and trigger the update. Once you've retrieved three groups of survivors, head towards the Kodash Bazaar. As with your Vabbian allies, pay attention to the NPCs you rescued that they do not get stuck along the way, otherwise you'll be wasting time going back to get them moving again. Wait at the gates to the Kodash Bazaar, but do not enter. Wait for the NPCs to arrive to trigger the quest updates. Once all three groups have arrived, the quest is complete.