| - Black Ops is a 2013 action thriller film directed by Matt Richards. After the box-office success, but very poor critical reception of the original series, Transbaum Films decided to make a brand new, but different Black Ops film. While a part of the Black Ops series, it is not considered to be part of the series canon, and instead is considered to be in its own separate universe. The film follows the middle-aged Brad Avery (Phil Martinez), who faked his death in 1992 in order to escape a suicide mission and retired to a more peaceful life. In 2013, he is discovered and is recruited back into the Lovian Secret Service to stop a rogue soldier from using an arsenal of stolen nuclear weapons on Lovia. The film opened on June 20, 2013 and received mildly positive reviews from film critics, who praised the improved plot, the main character's sense of humor and the action scenes. Criticism however, was aimed at the character development.