The Sunda Trench was the location where the faked wreckage of Flight 815 was discovered. It is the second deepest trench in the Indian Ocean and is located several hundred kilometers off of the southern and western shores of Indonesia. It was first specifically mentioned in he alternate reality game Find 815 but was later mentioned in television episodes as well.
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- Sunda Trench
| - [[Grafika:The Sunda Trench.jpg|thumb|right|280px|Jest to zrzut ekranu z laptopa Sama z gry Find 815 a zawarte tam informacje są autentyczne.]] The Sunda Trench Po angielsku Sunda Trench a bardziej znane jako Java Trench. Jest to jedno z haseł w grze Find 815. Po polsku jest to Rów Jawajski. Jest to rów oceaniczny we wschodniej części Oceanu Indyjskiego, na południe od wyspy Jawa. Długość wynosi 4500 km, średnia szerokość to około 75 km, głębokość maksymalna wynosi 7729 metrów. Jest miejscem stykania się dwóch płyt tektonicznych Burma i Sunda. W wyniku subdukcji doszło do trzęsienia ziemi na Oceanie Indyjskim 26 grudnia 2004.
- The Sunda Trench was the location where the faked wreckage of Flight 815 was discovered. It is the second deepest trench in the Indian Ocean and is located several hundred kilometers off of the southern and western shores of Indonesia. It was first specifically mentioned in he alternate reality game Find 815 but was later mentioned in television episodes as well.
- The trench is a seam of tectonic plates, the Burma and Sunda on the east, and the India Plate on the west. Deformation along the plate boundary, or subduction zone, resulted in the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and the ensuing deadly tsunami on December 26, 2004.
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| - Sunda_with_Tsunami.jpg
- Sunda Islands.jpg
- Sunda Trench.jpg
- Sunda_no_Tsunami.jpg
- sundra_webpage_image.png
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| - Sunda map with locations of importance marked
- Sunda webpage with tsunami info removed
- Sunda webpage with tsunami information
- The Sunda Islands
- The Sunda Trench
| - The trench is a seam of tectonic plates, the Burma and Sunda on the east, and the India Plate on the west. Deformation along the plate boundary, or subduction zone, resulted in the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and the ensuing deadly tsunami on December 26, 2004. Naomi Dorrit mentioned that the entire Flight 815 wreckage was found of the coast of Bali in an ocean trench four miles deep. Naomi also reveals that they sent down cameras in small robots to survey the wreck, and that the bodies were all there. Anthony Cooper also mentioned that they had found the plane at the bottom of the ocean. The Sunda Trench is a likely location for the presumed wreckage to be found. (The Brig)
- [[Grafika:The Sunda Trench.jpg|thumb|right|280px|Jest to zrzut ekranu z laptopa Sama z gry Find 815 a zawarte tam informacje są autentyczne.]] The Sunda Trench Po angielsku Sunda Trench a bardziej znane jako Java Trench. Jest to jedno z haseł w grze Find 815. Po polsku jest to Rów Jawajski. Jest to rów oceaniczny we wschodniej części Oceanu Indyjskiego, na południe od wyspy Jawa. Długość wynosi 4500 km, średnia szerokość to około 75 km, głębokość maksymalna wynosi 7729 metrów. Jest miejscem stykania się dwóch płyt tektonicznych Burma i Sunda. W wyniku subdukcji doszło do trzęsienia ziemi na Oceanie Indyjskim 26 grudnia 2004.
- The Sunda Trench was the location where the faked wreckage of Flight 815 was discovered. It is the second deepest trench in the Indian Ocean and is located several hundred kilometers off of the southern and western shores of Indonesia. It was first specifically mentioned in he alternate reality game Find 815 but was later mentioned in television episodes as well.