| - So, you're a Filmmaker. You're sitting down with a Scriptwriter between the Water-cooler and the Coffee-maker, trying to decide on a name for your epic story about a guy who verbs nouns. Yeah, he verbs them till they're adjective. Wait, that's it! He's the Noun Verber! This isn't a very popular trope for the actual titles of movies or TV shows, but it's an old standby for lazy fantasy and science fiction authors who need a name that sounds detached from the real world and yet is immediately understandable. For some reason, a very common verb for this is "stalk." The most common noun is probably "death." Of course this construction is extremely common in Real Life too. Firefighter, cab-driver, wine-maker, ironmonger, car dealer, Ambulance Chaser, ditch-digger, lion-tamer, news-reader, coal-miner, watchmaker, computer programmer, bartender, gas-fitter, dishwasher, childminder, wine-taster, greengrocer, snack-dispenser, bricklayer, dressmaker, chess-player, piano-tuner etc. etc. Compare Luke Nounverber, when the same principle is applied to character names. See also We Will Use Wiki Words in the Future. Examples of Noun Verber include: