| - Boots , also called Shoes, are a recurring type of accessory and armor in the Final Fantasy series. They usually boost movement and jump stats in the new tactical games, but other than that, they can also enable different actions to the party and boost some stats. An example of recurring boots in the series are the Hermes Sandals.
- Object boot
- Ein Boot ist ein Zwischending zwischen einer Nußschale und einem richtigen Schiff. Der Unterschied ist jedoch fließend. Dann spricht man entweder von einem Flußboot oder einem Flußschiff.
- __TOC__ Weight: 0,5 lbs
- Boot "represents the automatic start-up process when the computer is turned on. A computer usually boots from its hard drive."
- thumb|300px"Boot" ist das Segelboot von David Groth und Pippi Pigalke.
- A boot was a type of clothing worn on one's foot. They were part of a regulation Starfleet uniform. Captain Nick Keller habitually wore cowboy boots while on duty. (TOS - New Earth novel: Challenger) Mark McHenry once put on a sock over his boot. (TNG - Starfleet Academy novel: Worf's First Adventure) Ensign Mayer once lost his boot and didn't realize it until he broke his foot running into a console. (DS9 short story: "Mirror Eyes") Ilirra Deel once wore thigh-high boots as part of a disguise. (ST - Section 31 novel: Disavowed)
- Art Zugehörigkeit Autor Einordnung Organisation Jahr Zeit Quelle Kategorie Das Boot zwar immer im Sinn der kleinsten Art von Schiffen. Dabei unterscheidet man zwischen Beibooten, deren größere Schiffe eines oder zwei mit sich führten, und selbständigen Booten bes. für den Fischfang, zu Fährzwecken usw.
- The boot is an improvised melee attack in Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. The boot does 15 hit points of damage, more than a frontal knife hit and any bullet except those of Mauser, Snooper and FG 42 rifles. Kicks can also break objects (including alarm switches), open doors (loudly) and sometimes even operate switches and levers.
- The bit at the back end of a car where you put everything: suitcases, shopping bags, skis, etc., and, in detective novels, people.
- Boote sind hervorragend geeignet, einer größeren Menge etwas mitzuteilen. (Markus 4,1) Es ist dabei darauf zu achten, dass das Boot nicht zu klein ist, denn sonnst bekommen einige Zuhörer nasse Füße. Im schlimmsten Falle kann das Boot sogar kentern. In letzter Zeit häufen sich die Meldung von christlichen Großveranstaltungen auf viel zu kleinen Booten. Bei dem dichten Gedränge an Bord sind jedesmal menschliche Verluste zu beklagen. Kleinere Versammlungen können dagegen durchaus problemlos auf einem Gummiboot abgehalten werden. nicht verwechseln mit: Brot
- Boots are objects in Club Penguin. They mostly appear as clothing items, although they have made various other appearances.
- Fati and his closest acquaintance, Tido, were never too popular but nevertheless undoubtedly well-known among their peers in the Kokiri Forest. The two friends were quite the frivolous and imaginative twosome, inspired from tales of the great Hero of Time. They were always rambling about going on adventures and seeing the outside world. Many of the other kokiri, content with their lives within the forest, often shunned these two for their outlandish dreams. While yet in their early years of age, the two declared that they would one day embark on a quest to follow in the footsteps of the Hero of Time.
- Boot bezieht sich auf:
* Die zwei Floße, die Michael auf der Insel baute
* Die Black Rock, ein altes britisches Sklavenschiff, das um 1881 auf der Insel gestrandet ist
* Die Pala-Fähre der DHARMA Initiative, die von den Anderen benutzt wird, um das Floß einzuholen und Walt zu entführen und dass sie später Michael geben.
* Shannons Freund Bryan arbeitet in „“ an einem Hafen.
* Michael erinnert Susan Lloyd in „“ daran, dass sie ihm einmal erzählt hat, dass sie auf einem Boot leben möchte.
* Mr. Kwons Fischerboot in „“
* Die Elizabeth, das Segelboot, das Desmond auf die Insel brachte
* Das Schlauchboot der Elizabeth.
* Das Auslegerkanu, das Alex an Sawyer und Kate weitergibt, und das später von Karl benutzt wird sowie die Auslegerkanus, die auf der Hydra-Inse
- The default Audrey image boots using the following process: 1.
* Configure and start QNX 2.
* Run /kojak/go 3. 1.
* Create /data and /temp 4. 2.
* Set environment variables 5. 3.
* Set screen contrast from /config/Contrast_level using gpio 6. 4.
* Detect a warm boot using gpio 7. 5.
* Turn on the display using gpio 8. 6.
* Call /kojak/boot.sh 9. 7.
* Run /kojak/pmem2 10. 8.
* Run res 11.
* /kojak/boot.sh sets up the channels 12.
* What is pmem2? 13.
* Res handles basic system functions
- A Boot is an item from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. A worn out old boot that someone carelessly threw away, it can only be obtained by fishing. They are one of the most common types of flotsam that Link encounters while fishing with his Fishing Rod. It is the only kind of catchable flotsam to have two different dialogue boxes when caught. Like most flotsam Link snags with his Fishing Rod, these boots are useless items. After catching them, Link can properly dispose of them and help the local environment by pressing A.
- A boot is an item that Chip can use to pass or to preserve normal movement on the corresponding element. All boots can be collected more than once, but they will not add to Chip's capability, and unlike most keys, boots can be used on any number of the corresponding element, rather than being effective on only one space of it. A thief will take away any existing boots that Chip has, but Chip is free to collect them again if they exist in the level. In play, boots are acting walls to monsters only, but in Lynx are instead acting dirt.