| - Wesley Freisler was born into old aristocratic family in Vagderra, northern Kanjor. His mother Elizabeth was a housewife, deeply religious & also contradictive personaly whereas his father Roger was more moderate land owner who just wanted to make business & educate his children well. Despite the wealth of his family, Wesley had to work long days in cotton fields as his father wanted him to respect hard working. Wesley's social contacts were mostly limited to the children of other upper class families as he had a home teacher instead of going to public school. At the age of 13, his father sent him to private school at Atyr to get high quality teaching and "more national perspective" has he put it. He excelled in history, geography and psychology, but got weak grades at maths and foreign languages. In September 2312 he went to study law at the university of Atyr and graduated in just two years after which he opened his own law office in the city. However, at Spring 2322 he returned to Vagderra as his father was seriously ill, dying at next Autumn. As his mother was old & weak and he was the only child of the family, Wesley decided to close his law office at Atyr and take over father's agricultural business. The civil war had left its trails on Vagderra too and he faced big work in restoring the infrastructure, business relations and especially, past "fields of gold" into new prime. By 2332 Wesley Freisler had succesful agricultural business going on at Vagderra which had enlargened past the borders of Kanjor, exporting cotton, rye and wheat into neighbouring countries Alduria and Rildanor. By 2339 he was one of the biggest farmers & land owners in Vandegra.