| - I brought my Battle Gears fist up to my cockpit. I opened the cockpit and jumped out towards my Gears fist. It opened up and I pointed my blaster at the boy. "Come on boy, get into the cockpit." "I have a name, my name is Adazam." "Well don't try to escape or I will shoot you, Adazam." Adazam stepped into the cockpit with his hands raised. I stepped in behind him and bound his wrists and feet in fibercords. I tried to get the Battle Gears thrusters operational again, it was no use they had been fried during the skirmish. I activated my homing beacon. "Whats your name?" I was startled that Adazam had opened his mouth and spoke. "Ireana." I replied. Chapter Twenty Six: Adazam Vigrem Ireana had untied my feet. We were walking down the corridors of a warship. She never took her blaster off of me. We finally reached a room with a hooded figure sitting in the middle of the room. "Master, I have a prisoner." Chapter Twenty Seven: Darth Luvidicous I turned around and saw Ireana guiding Adazam into the room. I got up and strode over to Adazam and backhanded him across the head with all of my might. Adazam hit the floor. "He didn't do anything at all!" screamed Ireana in suprise. I slapped her as hard as I could manage, then I Force Pushed her into the wall. I watched the Fibercord around Adazam's wrists snap, he had cut his wrists snapping them but it didn't seem to affect him at all. At first I had doubted that the boy was Adazam Vigrem but now that I could feel his anger I had no doubt at all. "You Bastard!" He screamed at me as he retrieved his Lightsaber from Ireana's belt. I grinned and reached for my Lightsaber. Chapter Twenty Eight: Adazam Vigrem I let out a roar as the Sith kicked me into the air. I somersaulted and as soon as landed on my left foot I lunged forward. The Sith blocked my blow at his heart with his lightsaber, he arched his lightsaber upward and kicked me in the chest again. I hit the ground. The Sith pointed his blade an inch away from my throat as he stabbed forward I scrambled towards the wall behind me, I was still on my back as I scrambled towards the wall. I stumbled to the left just in time as the blade made a hole in the wall. I was on my feet again and feinted an attack at his head. He tried to block what was not there. I took advantage and stabbed at his heart only to have him take a leap backwards. I ran at him with all my speed and put all my strength behind a blow aimed at his chest. The sith was ready for me and arched his lightsaber, he cut the hilt of my lightsaber in half. The duel was over and possibly my life. Chapter Twenty Nine: Darth Luvidicous I knocked Adazam unconcious with a quick blast of Force Lightning and deactivated my lightsaber. I placed Adazam in an energy cage. I sat at a bench directly across from his cage and waited for him to regain conciousness. After he had regained his conciousness I stepped to his cage and looked at him for a long time. "Join the Sith Armada and we can end this war, you and I both have the power." "I would never help you, you struck Ireana!" This was very amusing. "Perhaps history does repeat itself." I said to Adazam and then I began to laugh. Chapter Thirty: Ireana Kensik I did not dare get off of the floor, I was... powerless and in the end I was nothing. If I was something my Master would have listened to me and not struck me. I heard heavy footsteps in the hallway. "Come" said Darth Luvidicous as he walked by the doorway and continued on down the hall. I quickly got up and followed him and Adazam. "Step over there." my master instructed Adazam. "As you can see the chancellor is encased in carbonite. He was a test to see if it was possible to survive the carbon freezing process and he passed that test with flying colors. I'll take you out of your carbonite state in a few years, maybe then you will be more cooperative." I should have kept my mouth shut but I had to ask "Won't this kill Adazam, won't he grow inside of that." "I am suprised that you even care, normally he wouldn't age while frozen in carbonite, but I made some special modifications and he will grow and age normally, like the rest of us." The anger in Adazam's face was noticable. I could only watch in horror, but right before the carbonite casing was shut on Adazam, I felt someone touching my mind with the force. I could hear a voice in my mind say "I love you". I reached out and touched Adazam's mind and let him know that I felt the same way as the casing shut around him.