| - Azzanadra, também conhecido como Dr Nabanik na sua forma humana, é um dos Mahjarrat de Zaros correntemente activos em Guilenor, sendo considerado um dos mais poderosos da sua espécie. Há semelhança dos restantes Mahjarrat, foi trazido para Gielinor por Icthlarin no início da Segunda Era. Lutou contra Zaros durante a guerra pelo Deserto mas acabou por se aliar a este, como os restantes da sua espécie. Azzanadra ao lado de Zaros se tornou o campeão do exército Zarosiano, e é um dos poucos Mahjarrats que permanecem fieis a Zaros.
- Azzanadra, ook bekend onder de naam van zijn menselijke gedaante Dr. Nabanik, is een Mahjarrat en één van de vier bekende Mahjarrat die trouw bleven aan Zaros. Hij kwam op Gielinor met de andere Mahjarrat onder leiding van de woestijngod Icthlarin in het begin van de Second Age. Uiteindelijk kozen de Mahjarrat de zijde van de god Zaros en dienden ze hem geruime tijd, tot één van hen, Zamorak, plannen had gesmeed om Zaros te doden en zelf een god te worden. Na het verraad van Zamorak en de verbanning van Zaros, bleven een aantal Mahjarrat, waaronder Azzanadra, trouw aan hun vroegere meester en zwoeren anderen trouw aan Zamorak. Dit veroorzaakte een diepe verdeeldheid tussen de Mahjarrat.
- Azzanadra on hahmo tehtäväässä The Temple At Senntisten. Hän antaa sinulle ancient hymnalin kun olet suorittanut tehtävän. Luokka:Hauki on kala en:Azzanadra
- Following the rebellion of a fellow Mahjarrat, Zamorak, and his acquisition of godhood, Azzanadra was one of the few Mahjarrat to remain overtly Zarosian in the schism that divided his race between the two gods. During the God Wars, he worked to sustain what little power Zaros' followers had remaining, as the dawn of the Third Age arrived. Despite being extremely powerful, Azzanadra's efforts were largely futile, and he was eventually captured by Zamorakian and Saradominist forces and imprisoned within the Jaldraocht Pyramid in the Kharidian Desert.
- Azzanadra, known as Dr Nabanik in his human disguise, is a Zarosian Mahjarrat currently active in Gielinor, and is amongst the most powerful members in the race's history. After being brought to Gielinor by the Menaphite deity Icthlarin around the start of the Second Age, Azzanadra and the rest of the Mahjarrat served the Menaphite people of the Kharidian Desert, before eventually swearing their allegiance to the god Zaros.