| - Silicon Valley Commons Orientation Saturday November 11, 2006, 10AM - 2PM Attendees: Leo Romero, Matthew Singh, Leslie Garner, PH Yang, Ian Belvin, Donna Belvin Notes by Matt & Leo Introductions - see staff and user pages
| - Silicon Valley Commons Orientation Saturday November 11, 2006, 10AM - 2PM Attendees: Leo Romero, Matthew Singh, Leslie Garner, PH Yang, Ian Belvin, Donna Belvin Notes by Matt & Leo Introductions - see staff and user pages
* Contacting high schools, high school clubs like Key Club and Interact
* Norcal JEA Journalism Education Association
* Youth speaks
* Make sure students can get community service hours for doing work for SVC; register SVC with schools
* Contact teachers re project, get students involved; Use Stanford as a channel, Stanford New School, Stanford alumni at Public Allies, BUILD works with Stanford students; Foothill/De Anza
* Read: Sticky messages--"Loud and Clear: Crafting Messages that Stick. What Non-Profits Can Learn from Urban Legends" by Chip Heath
* Set up a Listserv (via Wikia or other resources)
* Story idea tables on the website, two charts--one for community to edit, one for staff to edit
* Organize formally as a non-profit, resources at non-profit boot camp notes, book(s) from Nolo
* Have crash-course orientation for new contributors
* Do tag interviews, team writing; Iinnovate does tag interviews; see what we can learn from their process
* Starting January 2007, we may be able to use the space next to the Public Allies office for meetings
* Everyone:
* Send email to personal and professional networks (Leslie is drafting email templates to use)
* Edit the Bradley article
* Write an article
* Think of article themes and ideas - Themes examples: Environmental justice, Youth development, Homeless, Arts
* Subject ideas: BUILD (Founder: Suzanne McKechnie Klahr), Public Allies
* Find and invite a speaker to speak on a topic, or a well-known person; would attract more people to come; would benefit the person/organization--publicity, article on them
* Matt:
* Contact people at Foothill/De Anza, Public Allies
* Post meeting minutes online
* Email link of Netsquared to group
* Write profiles for Leslie and Leo
* Prepare to facilitate next meeting
* Make agenda (will be getting agenda sample from Leslie)
* Give time to set group agreements, come with ideas for agreements
* Ask for time keeper, notes keeper
* Leslie:
* Draft email templates to send to personal and professional networks
* Look into getting BUILD Bayshore office for next meeting
* Send personal email to BUILD and Youth Speaks members
* Leo:
* Make Matt, Leslie, and PH meetup organizers
* Follow up with the schools and folks who did not come but RSVP'd yes
* Set up a listserv
* Link minutes to meetup
* Send link to Donna & Ian
* Video crash course - orient others really quickly