Financial Planet.
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- Sullust
- Sullust
- Sullust
- Sullust
- Sullust
- Sullust
| - Financial Planet.
- Sullust is the Sullustan homeworld. File:WookieepediaFavicon.png For information on this subject beyond The Old Republic, see: Sullust on Wookieepedia
- Sullust was een belangrijke planeet die op de grens lag van de Mid Rim en de Outer Rim. De planeet bevond zich op de Rimma Trade Route.
- Sullust is the primary planet of the Sullust system and is a playable location in Star Wars Battlefront. The planet is located in the Outer Rim Territories and is the home of the Sullustans. It is currently the only planet where Magma Troopers appear.
- Sullust was the primary planet of the Sullust system in Sullustan Space, located in the Outer Rim at the conjuncture of the Rimma Trade Route and the Silvestri Trace. It was the homeworld of the Sullustans.
- Sullust was the volcanic planet of the Sullustans.
- Sullust is a character featured in the introduction of Blood of the Chozo. One of the few living Chozo in any Metroid series media, Sullust is a "plebe" at Tranquility Base airfield just starting a Bounty Hunter apprenticeship. He is taunted and called "Mr. Adventure" by the other plebes, who are quickly burned when he is apprenticed to an unnamed woman Hunter who seems to be highly respected (unspecified but presumably Samus Aran). Shortly after learning of this, Samus crashes on the airfield. : Non-canonical information ends here.
- All of Sullust was composed of multicolored rock, veined by lava channels; the planet went through atmospheric blackouts caused by gouts of smoke and ash. The underground of the planet was more stable and habitable and was occupied by the native Sullustans who navigated the tunnels (housing edible lichen gardens and potable water) with an innate sense of direction.
- Sullust era il principale pianeta del Sistema Sullust, localizzato nel Settore Sluis. Era il mondo natale dei Sullustani
- The surface of Sullust is volcanic and the atmosphere is made up of toxic gases, forcing the native Sullustan inhabitants to live in subterranean cities. The planet is the headquarters of the galaxy-spanning SoroSuub Corporation. Return to the Location Database Return to the Main Page.
- Sullust es un personaje mencionado en la introducción de Sangre de los Chozo, siendo uno de los pocos Chozo vivos que se conocen en todo lo relacionado con la saga Metroid.
- Sullust was a planet located in the Sullust system of the Outer Rim Territories that was home to the Sullustan species.
- Sullust was the primary planet of the Sullust system, located in the Outer Rim at the conjuncture of the Rimma Trade Route and the Silvestri Trace. The planet is most well known for being the headquarters of the SoroSuub Corporation.
- This Outer Rim world joined the Republic when Sullustan merchants made their planet a link in the Rimma Trade Route by connecting their own planet to the Tapani Sector circa 5,550 BBY.
- [Source] Sullust était une planète des Territoires de la Bordure Extérieure, dans le secteur Sullust. Il s'agissait de la planète d'origine des Sullustéens.
- Sullust er en vulkansk planet i det Ytre Rim, og hje[[Fil:Sullust.jpg|thumb|210px|Sullust sett fra månen Sulon]]mplaneten til Sullustanerne. Sullust er dekket av tykke askeskyer, med et brent terreng med lavaelver rennende igjennom. Planetens skorpe er så ugjestmild at de innfødte sullustanerne bor i dype gruver under bakken. Gruvene er kjølige og relativt svale, med spesielle anlegg for flora og fauna. Nesten halvparten av planetens befolkning var i arbeid under firmaet SoroSuub Corporation, et galaksekjent kompani berømt for sine mange modeller av speedere, romskip og lignende. Sullust har to måner, Sulon og Umnub.
- Sullust is the third planet of the Sullust System located in the Sullust Sector. Sullust is an abnormality among the Outer Rim territories, largely because it has been petitioning for membership in the Republic for almost a century. The Sullustan government, a direct democracy with a very liberal bill of rights, and a highly sophisticated court system, has been working closely with the Supreme Court of the Republic to meet the ever increasing stringent requirements for its petition to be taken up before the Senate.
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- Vulkanen
- Rotswoestijnen en grotten
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