| - Miley was born 23 April 1995 CE (Discord 40 3161 YOLD) and grew up in Norwood Young America, Minnesota. Her parents could not produce children, so enlisted a "father donor" who provided the sperm. She is an only child. She considers herself a child of the Internet because her birth was announced by email which was quite unusual in 1995. She was an avid reader by the age of 5. As part of her home schooling, she had greatly restricted Internet access, but with help very quickly learned how to bypass her parents' restrictions. In 2016, she returned to working at Walmart, this time as a
| - Miley was born 23 April 1995 CE (Discord 40 3161 YOLD) and grew up in Norwood Young America, Minnesota. Her parents could not produce children, so enlisted a "father donor" who provided the sperm. She is an only child. She considers herself a child of the Internet because her birth was announced by email which was quite unusual in 1995. Most of her education was through home schooling, although she did attend some classes in Minnesota. Her parents were fundamentalist protestant Christian conservatives. They were supporters of the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) and the related Christian group Generation Joshua (GenJ). Her primary social life was through other home-schooled GenJ children, and through the church where she sometimes sang or recited Bible verses. She was an avid reader by the age of 5. As part of her home schooling, she had greatly restricted Internet access, but with help very quickly learned how to bypass her parents' restrictions. There was an agreement that Miley not learn the identity of or meet her "biodad" until she was 18. Miley didn't even know that the man who raised her was not her biological father. But with the clandestine help of a female cousin who knew the secret, at age 13 Miley met her biodad. This was during a group get-together in June 2008 while she was on summer vacation, staying with her aunt and uncle in Texas. Neither she nor her biological father knew how they were related, but they had been introduced online earlier that month by Miley's cousin during the Discordian Cyberspace Masquerade. Miley and her biodad got along very well in spite of not knowing their relationship. Miley enjoyed gymnastics, swimming, and bicycling as a young girl. She sometimes sang and read Bible verses in church. She later got involved in aerobics, dancing and yoga. Miley's parents had an agreement with each other to keep her "safe from sex." They tried keeping her ignorant of sexual matters and away from potentially sexual situations, but it did not work. While she was largely kept isolated from the "outside world," there was significant if secret sexual activity among some participants in the home-school group. After her parents felt they couldn't handle her, in summer 2009 she was sent to Texas to be raised by her aunt and uncle until they got her "straightened out." She continued to be home schooled, although she did take some classes at a small Texas high school. Her aunt and uncle gave her permission and money to have her own domain name as a present for her 15th birthday, and she registered it a few days later on 6 May 2010. She lost both of her parents in 2010 when she was 15 years old. She became very withdrawn, and virtually stopped seeing friends and writing on the Internet. While she had been doing schoolwork well beyond her grade level, for a while she stopped advancing. But she recovered. Her original last name was Spears, but in April 2011 she changed her first name to Miley in honor of Miley Cyrus. Like Camden Benares, she changed her legal name to her Discordian name (although her Discordian name before becoming Miley Spears in 2009 was Sister Creamy). In the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), she is known as Ariel Lovechild. She began allegedly studying at Miskatonic University in 2012, although officially she was a student at the University of Texas where she is a member of the Knighthood of Buh. She planned to graduate in December 2015 but didn't graduate until June 2016. She applied to join the Peace Corps. In 2016, she returned to working at Walmart, this time as a She is a vegetarian and a card-carrying member of the ACLU, PeTA, ASCPA, SCA, and a restored card-carrying member of the Church of the SubGenius.