| - Some beings say the mysterious "Forest Crystals" adorning this ancient tree branch is the source of the wind god's power.
- The Staff of Wind is one of four buildable elemental staffs in the Apocalypse DLC map Origins. The Staff of Wind shoots blasts of wind when fired, (similar to the Thundergun), and will instantly kill zombies at point blank range until round 23 and knock back any zombies further away. However, the range is not as far as the Thundergun, so you will have to be a bit closer to kill zombies with it. Once upgraded to the Boreas' Fury, it functions the same as its previous version, however its blast of wind has more range and a wider area of effect. The player can also hold down the firing button in order to charge it up, at the cost of more ammo per charged shot. When charged and released, it fires an initial blast of wind, then expands rapidly to form a twister, attracting any zombies fairly close to it and dragging them to the center, instantly killing them. Furthermore, the Boreas' Fury has a melee attack that involves swiping with the spikes on the head of the staff. This attack is a one hit kill until round 16. If the One Inch Punch is equipped, its melee attack overrides the staff melee attack. After upgrading, it gains a secondary "attachment" called Sekhmet's Vigor which when activated by pressing left on the D-Pad, will cause the player to flip the staff and use the bottom end. This can be used to revive a downed player by "shooting" them directly. The "vigor" is a slow-moving ball, which will travel in a straight line. It is recommended to make your shots count, because it is very easy to miss with this weapon.