Status points are a kind of currency that you can earn in various ways, and they can be used to purchase 'special' items that would otherwise be unavailable to you. If you visit a merchant and some of the price of the item is displayed in light blue, then you will need to use status points to pay that cost.
Status points are a kind of currency that you can earn in various ways, and they can be used to purchase 'special' items that would otherwise be unavailable to you. If you visit a merchant and some of the price of the item is displayed in light blue, then you will need to use status points to pay that cost. You can earn status points in a number of ways, as indicated below, and these will be visible in your Persona menu, alongside your normal adventure stats. If you're a guild member then a bonus of 10% of any status you earn also gets credited to the guild, which in turn enables the guild to level up and gain access to particular equipment, quests etc. Note that although your personal status will reduce when you spend it, your contribution to your guild 'score' is not affected.