| - NPCs can be eliminated like this from a few weapons. First, the Baton is a reliable choice if nothing else is present. It is rather weak, but enough hits from it will knock out opponents and it does not use any ammo, unlike the more powerful riot prod. The Riot Prod will momentarily freeze enemies, but they will wake after a moment. If they are hit a second time, or once if hit from behind/in the head, they wil be knocked out for good. The prod always works the same way on all humanoid enemies, including MJ12 commandos and greasels. Tranq darts on the Mini-crossbow allow non lethal takedowns from a distance, but it will still alert nearby enemies, and the target may reach an alarm before the drugs take full effect. One must remember that, although they are melee weapons, the crowbar, knife
| - NPCs can be eliminated like this from a few weapons. First, the Baton is a reliable choice if nothing else is present. It is rather weak, but enough hits from it will knock out opponents and it does not use any ammo, unlike the more powerful riot prod. The Riot Prod will momentarily freeze enemies, but they will wake after a moment. If they are hit a second time, or once if hit from behind/in the head, they wil be knocked out for good. The prod always works the same way on all humanoid enemies, including MJ12 commandos and greasels. Tranq darts on the Mini-crossbow allow non lethal takedowns from a distance, but it will still alert nearby enemies, and the target may reach an alarm before the drugs take full effect. One must remember that, although they are melee weapons, the crowbar, knife, sword, and DTS all kill people. The pepper gun and gas grenades do not kill people, but they will not KO people either. They are best used to stop enemies long enough for the player to complete the objective, escape, or even kill active NPCs if they are doing a lethal run. If they are having trouble taking out tougher opponents, one can always inflict damage with lethal weapons, and if they deliver the "killing" blow with a baton or tranquilizer dart, it wont count as a kill.