| - And so Aonir, the Wanderer, descended onto Eo after weaving the bane and forming the face of the earth out of the elements. There he planted the Seed of Life, the most valuable of all his assets. When he was finished, he lingered there. Weakened and fatigue, he wished to return home to the distant shores he had once set off from. However, the concern for his new creation would not cease from his mind. Exhausted, the Wanderer spoke to his children: “From now on my power shall guide you. Though there are yet many challenges awaiting you.
| - And so Aonir, the Wanderer, descended onto Eo after weaving the bane and forming the face of the earth out of the elements. There he planted the Seed of Life, the most valuable of all his assets. When he was finished, he lingered there. Weakened and fatigue, he wished to return home to the distant shores he had once set off from. However, the concern for his new creation would not cease from his mind. Therefore he sent his light out across the Star Sea and called for his children. They soon hurried across the Eternal Abyss to stand by his side, and he spoke: “See my creation. I have formed a fertile terrain out of this once broken world. And the Seed of Life will soon bloom. However, I cannot dwell here to tend to my creation. Therefore I have called you to fulfill this duty.” “Father,” his children replied, “the powers you have banned are merely asleep. Even if we unified our powers, we would never be as mighty as you are. How will we be able to face all the dangers to come?” “No worries!”, the Wanderer answered. “As long as the shine of my light can be seen glowing from the distant shores of our homestead, my powers and the bane will be in effect. I shed my blood to make this world a part of me, like many others before.” With these words Aonir forged a blade of sharp stone and jabbed it into his body. Many drops of his blood fell onto the face of Eo. Wherever a drop touched the land, they turned into purest crystal and the Godstones were formed. Exhausted, the Wanderer spoke to his children: “From now on my power shall guide you. Though there are yet many challenges awaiting you. Tiara, eldest of my children, your home shall be the Disc of the Sun. And as you dance among the flames, you will offer life here the necessary light and warmth it requires to survive. May you never tire, Tiara. Nor, my son, you shall receive the Disc of the Moon as your reign. Watch over the nights and the creature’s sleep once Tiara has moved on. Your light will shine cold, but it will be a welcome sign for the creatures of the night. Daughter Elen, wander through the country and guard the forces of life. Watch over the treasures of nature, the plants and the creatures of the forests. Give them the water they so urgently need to survive and be their friend and protector. Ulm, you shall be the Keeper of Diversity and Change. Nothing shall last forever and change shall determine the face of this world. May your powers give the flowers their colors and the creatures their variety. Niethalf, your might shall form them and strengthen them. You will give them the power they need to survive. As we know, this world will not be without dangers. In the depths of the earth I want you to forge their souls, giving them courage and truthfulness; willpower and strength. However, you will also encounter those who are weak or double-minded, the ones who do not pursue their lives based on the truth. They too, shall have an advocate, and that shall be you, Zerbo. Your deceitfulness and finesse shall offer them assistance and provide an example. Shanna, my daughter, you will pass graciousness and blandness on to this world. In the homes and families, your soft hand shall guide their way. Show them the joy of life, of work and of being together. Hirin, you will be the Harbinger, the one to bring good and bad. You shall accompany the souls of the dying to the Halls of Death and guide those born into life. Sleep, death and dreams, but also happiness and health will be the goods you trade. May they fear you and love you at the same time. And at last you, Ereon. You will be the Keeper of their Knowledge. Science, research and magic shall provide a better future for the races. You shall take down all their knowledge and legislations in a book, so that I may learn the story of my creation when the end of time arrives. Now set off and fulfill these duties until the end of this world has come. In return, every creature shall render homage to you in thankfulness and loyalty, as you are their guardians and their preservers. Yet keep in mind: my creation is immaculate; it is the beginning and the end, the present and the future. The Seed of Life shall sprout and grow, as I have created it. Watch over it, for every life is unique.” And with that the Stargod Aonir quit speaking and left Eo to return to the shores of his homeland. From there his light shines protective over his children as they now protect us. Nonetheless, they shall never interfere in our history and never shall they join forces with the creatures of Eo, nor shall they accept them as friends. These are the Rules of Aonir and they apply to the gods as well as the creatures.