The Tsuko Family is a family from Amegakure, which consistently produces shinobi with a strong affinity towards the Yin Release chakra nature. Unlike a certain clan in Konohagakure, who also have a tendency towards Yin Release, they apply their talent and intelligence for the casting of poweful illusions upon others. The advent of a family member's first illusion can be at a very young age. This is due to the inadvertant creation of Yin Release chakra in the clansmen, which is released periodically, altering and disrupting the flow of chakra in other peoples brains, without their doing anything. Not only are they capable of using Yin Release to cast illusions, but they can also create ghostly apparations and weapons in order to directly combat their opponents. As a whole they hold a large
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| - The Tsuko Family is a family from Amegakure, which consistently produces shinobi with a strong affinity towards the Yin Release chakra nature. Unlike a certain clan in Konohagakure, who also have a tendency towards Yin Release, they apply their talent and intelligence for the casting of poweful illusions upon others. The advent of a family member's first illusion can be at a very young age. This is due to the inadvertant creation of Yin Release chakra in the clansmen, which is released periodically, altering and disrupting the flow of chakra in other peoples brains, without their doing anything. Not only are they capable of using Yin Release to cast illusions, but they can also create ghostly apparations and weapons in order to directly combat their opponents. As a whole they hold a large
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| - The Tsuko Family is a family from Amegakure, which consistently produces shinobi with a strong affinity towards the Yin Release chakra nature. Unlike a certain clan in Konohagakure, who also have a tendency towards Yin Release, they apply their talent and intelligence for the casting of poweful illusions upon others. The advent of a family member's first illusion can be at a very young age. This is due to the inadvertant creation of Yin Release chakra in the clansmen, which is released periodically, altering and disrupting the flow of chakra in other peoples brains, without their doing anything. Not only are they capable of using Yin Release to cast illusions, but they can also create ghostly apparations and weapons in order to directly combat their opponents. As a whole they hold a large amount of administrative power over Ame, and form a large part of the villages reputation as producing strong genjutsu users.
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