| - Prime Minister. Wrote to congratulate Danny for no apparent reason.
- At some point he attended a NATO summit, where he shook hands with American President George W. Bush. In 2154, Daniels showed Archer the timeline correcting itself. Images of Blair shaking hands with Bush were seen in the restored version. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II")
- When Steve and Roger recover Dick Cheney's Blackberry in "Bullocks To Stan", they use it to prank call world leaders including Tony Blair.
- Tony Blur is fast. He is so fast he is faster than a slug. And that's a souped-up Cuban speed slug we're talking about here, not just your run of the mill garden type. However he is in no way as fast as John Prescott at a wedding party when the DJ announces that the buffet is open. However he is in no way as fat as John Prescott at a wedding party when the DJ enquires as to what happened to the buffet.
- Anthony Charles Lynton Blair (n. Edimburgo, Escocia, 6 de mayo de 1953), más conocido como "Tony" Blair, es un político británico que fue Primer Ministro del Reino Unido entre 1997 y 2007. También fue líder del Partido Laborista entre 1994 y 2007.
- Tony Blair is a British Labor politician who served as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 2 May 1997 to 27 June 2007. He voiced himself in the episode The Regina Monologues, where The Simpsons travel to England. It took Blair eight months of negotiation to get him to guest star on the show.
- Tony Blair, geboren als Anton Karl Ludwig Hexenschaukel am 19.45.1945 in St. Pölten, Österreich, ist ein Angloaustroamerikanischer Bush-Diener. Er dient sozusagen dem US-Präsident Bush. Wegen seiner herausragenden Leistungen während der britischen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft erhielt der den Beinamen Tony Blah.
- Tony Blair is a British politician who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He entered office on 2 May 1997 and resigned on 27 June 2007. He was a member of the Labour party. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- During the last two years of Spitting Image, Tony Blair was the Leader of the Opposition and leader of the Labour Party. He was often portrayed as naive, young, nervous and bumbling, with a somewhat scatterbrained attitude and short attention span. He also used to smile alot. A year after Spitting Image was finished, Tony Blair won the general election and became prime minister. File:TonyBlair 1496890c.jpg
- In 2154, Captain Jonathan Archer and Daniels saw an image of Blair meeting with U.S. President George W. Bush in the time stream as the timeline reset itself. (ENT episode: "Storm Front")
- thumb|Tony Blair mit George W. Bush. Tony Blair ist Ende des 20. und Anfang des 21. Jahrhunderts Premierminister Großbritanniens. Im Jahr 2154 ist Jonathan Archer Zeuge wie sich die Zeitlinie aus dem Jahr 1944 nach dem Eingreifen der Na'kuhl wieder selbst herstellt. Als sich die Zeitlinie wieder neu einstellt, kann man Tony Blair zusammen mit George W. Bush sehen. (ENT: )
- Divenne il più giovane Primo Ministro del Regno Unito, riportando al governo il partito Laburista dopo essersi saputo affrancare dalla vecchia tradizione filo-operaia del partito e dandogli una dimensione talmente di ampio respiro da meritare il nomignolo di Tory Blair. Nel panorama mondiale, Tony ha saputo imporsi come uno che conta anche fino a 3, se necessario.
- Harriet Jones joked that she wasn't one of "the babes". (TV: World War Three) Upon arriving in London of a parallel Earth in 2007, Mickey Smith suggested a possible difference being Tony Blair never getting elected. (TV: Rise of the Cybermen) Jack Harkness suggested, perhaps jokingly, that Tony Blair was a Rutan spy in disguise. (WC: Monster Files)
- Blair was part founder and played guitar and sang in a rock band called Ugly Rumours while at Oxford in the early 1970s: the name came from a Grateful Dead album cover, and the band at one time featured Mark Ellen, who went on to present BBC TV's Whistle Test. In addition, the involvement of Blair's government in war with Iraq in 1998 and 2003 did not gain Peel's enthusiasm: "We bombed them, bombed them again and starved them for years... " [2] In 2003 at a unknown convention, Peel mentioned how he felt he had been betrayed by Labour's policies:
- Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Blair Tony Bla
- LORD Anthony Smithington Farrah Abdullah Rathington IV OF Alabama, born on the 1st April, 1853 to Margaret Thatcher and her charming Tory Traditionalist husband, the painter Adolf Hitler. He is also known as Swiss Tony, Spin Doctor Who, Tony "I'm a better warmonger than Bush" Blair, First Among Sequels, "The Butcher of Baghdad", "The Envoy", The Messiah, Walker for Doggy Bush or the Professor of Fuckknowswhat QC, winner of the Why didn't anyone think of that before?! award was the Fascist Satrap of Mediocre Britain and the king of Poland. Becoming the first Labour leader since John Smith died in a freak crustacean accident, Blair went on to take His party to a massive Ben & Jerry's Dublin mudslide victory, replacing John Major as Dictator and ending eighteen decades of Story Party rule. In
- After eighteen years of Right Wing Conservative government, the people of the UK gladly turned to the reformed what was left of the Labour Party, under Tony Blair. They won by one of the largest landslides in modern British history to the theme tune of "things can only get better", which seemed appropriate, and the whole country celebrated along with them.
- Tony Blair is best known for his ability to work with C-average Ivy League students in executive positions. The most cunning traitor ever known to Britain, was once the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. He still rules over all of the British Isles and the entire United Kingdom. His best friend is George W. Bush, President of the United States of America. He gets second billing because he's not a President; he was just a Prime Minister. When they frequent the swingset, Bush gets to ride while Tony Blair must push.