| - Muggera Delijiti was the son of Orgo Delijiti and heir to the Delijiti Slaver Guild. He would see his family rise to power over the world of Cilwelli. In order to ensure his family's dominance, Muggera created the Hutt Secret Police which kept the locals in line. The Hutt fought in many battles during the Clone Wars, always watching from the safety of his flagship. Because of his limited experience in combat, however, Muggera was forced to rely on his Master of Arms. Often when things went wrong he would blame, and punish, his lieutenant.
| - Muggera Delijiti was the son of Orgo Delijiti and heir to the Delijiti Slaver Guild. He would see his family rise to power over the world of Cilwelli. In order to ensure his family's dominance, Muggera created the Hutt Secret Police which kept the locals in line. After Orgo died, Muggera became Cilwelli's Aulsur. The Hutt began expanding the planet's industries and became extremely rich. However, he was too dependent on slave labor for his profit. After a bloody uprising, the planetary economy crashed. With his credits rapidly disappearing Muggera was forced to rely on the aid of the Underworld Coalition and later the Confederacy. The Hutt fought in many battles during the Clone Wars, always watching from the safety of his flagship. Because of his limited experience in combat, however, Muggera was forced to rely on his Master of Arms. Often when things went wrong he would blame, and punish, his lieutenant. At the beginning of the war Muggera had a run-in with Anakin Skywalker after he kidnapped his wife, Padmé, at the behest of Nute Gunray. When Skywalker rescued the senator he killed Muggera's entire family. The Hutt responded by putting a price on the Jedi's head. His thirst for revenge would even lead him to go as far as to defy the Galactic Empire when he discovered that Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader were one in the same. The rivalry ultimately cost Muggera his life.