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  • Shinigami ist eine alte Freundin von Karai und eine Verbündete der Turtles in der 2012 Animationsserie.
  • Shinigami (死神 Shinigami?Lit. Death bringer) was an alien that appeared in the series Ultraman Gaia. He is the messenger of the Radical Destruction Bringer. His true form is Zebub (ゼブブ Zebubu?). Zebub subtitle: Destruction Devil (破滅魔人 Hametsu Majin?)
  • Los Shinigami (死神, shinigami ?, significa Segador de Almas o también Dios de la Muerte) son una raza de seres espirituales encargados de mantener el equilibrio en el flujo de almas en el mundo. Poseen altos niveles de energía espiritual, que son capaces de manejar y canalizar de forma innata, y por ello son reclutados desde su juventud (en la mayoría de los casos) sean habitantes del Rukongai o miembros de la nobleza del Seireitei. Como todos los entes espirituales, los Shinigami no pueden ser detectados por los seres humanos normales. Generalmente, usan las Zanpaku-tō, espadas de poderes sobrenaturales que son la manifestación del alma del propio Shinigami, para poder enviar a los Pluses a la Sociedad de Almas y combatir a sus más acérrimos enemigos, los Hollows.
  • Shinigami (死神, Bogowie Śmierci) – znani także pod angielską nazwą Soul Reapers, to dusze obdarzone pewnym reiryoku i ucieleśniające swoje moce w postaci mieczy. Większość z nich żyje w Soul Society i należy do Gotei 13 lub jednej ze współpracujących z nimi organizacji.
  • [[Bild:Ryuk3.png|thumb|250px|Der Shinigami namens Ryuk.]] Shinigami (死神, jap. wörtlich: Todesgott, auch Todesgeist/ Todesengel) sind Wesen, die in einer anderen Dimension leben und sich durch das Töten von Menschen am Leben erhalten. Außerdem besitzt jeder Shinigami ein Death Note.
  • Προϊόντα της ιαπωνικής κουλτούρας (της ίδιας που δημιούργησε τα Hentai) που τους θεωρεί κάτι σαν πολλούς Χάρους.
  • Categoría:PersonajesEl Shinigami (死神, Shinigami; literalmente "Dios de la Muerte") es una entidad espiritual invocada a través del Sello Consumidor del Demonio de la Muerte.
  • thumb|300pxLos Shinigami (死神, Dios de la muerte) son dioses del Mundo Shinigami, que provocan la muerte de los humanos a través de una Death Note.
  • Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage, first summoned the Shinigami, as a last resort, with the intention of sealing Kurama into his infant son. However, as he wasn't capable of sealing Kurama's entire chakra, due to its size, he was forced to seal only the yang half. Using the Shinigami, Minato was able to seal the yin half of the tailed beast within himself, going on to use another sealing method to seal the other portion of the fox within his son.
  • Famille Nature de Chakra Traits Uniques Jutsu Armes ShinigamiLe est l'entité spectrale invoquée pour la technique l'Emprisonnement des Morts.
  • The Shinigami are the Gods of Death in Japanese culture. there are rumors that the Shinigami King is living on earth from the shinigami realm. (See Stephen Colbert)
  • Shinigami is a mystical Ninja and an old friend of Karai's from Japan.
  • Shinigami are the beings in charge of the Soulstream. [Source]
  • Gli Shinigami sono dei della morte giapponesi, vivono nei cieli del Giappone, e sono lo stadio finale della trasformazione da essere umano a nippomane. Secondo una credenza giapponese questi hanno la possibilità di uccidere la gente appuntando nomi su un certo quaderno.
  • Shinigami (死神) (dioses de la muerte): El papel de un shinigami puede parecer similar en ciertos aspectos a la de la Parca en el folklore occidental. En Gensokyo, eso que significa llevarle las almas a la Yama (o Enma) Shikieiki Yamaxanadu. La única shinigami conocida en Gensokyo , Komachi Onozuka, transborda las almas al Higan. Esto es, aparentemente realizado cruzando el Sanzu no Kawa, un río en el budismo japonés análogo al río Estigia griego. * Ejemplo: Komachi OnozukaLibros y artículos: * Perfect Memento: Enciclopedia: dioses de la muerteVer también: * Entrada de Wikipedia sobre Shinigami Categoría:Enciclopedia Categoría:Especies
  • Shinigami (死神, shinigami), sometimes referred to by their literal translation, "god(s) of death" or Grim Reapers, are a race of extra-dimensional beings who survive by killing humans to extend their own lives. Shinigami are not responsible for every death that occurs; people will eventually die regardless of whether or not the Shinigami pay attention to them, but a Shinigami can end their lives sooner than intended to extend their own lifespan.
  • Shinigami (死神, Deus da Morte) é uma entidade presente na cultura japonesa. Seu trabalho é "levar" a alma dos humanos para o outro mundo. Seria um pouco equivalente a figura conhecida da Morte no Ocidente. Geralmente é usado para expressar qualquer Deus da morte. Por exemplo no budismo Enma é o Deus que julga e pune depois da morte (Jigoku) e no xintoísmo é a Izanami.
  • thumb|200px|Ein Shinigami, hier Ichigo, mit Zanpakuto und schwarzem Kimono Shinigami (jap.: 死神, Shinigami, dt. "Todesgott") sind Seelen, deren Körper bereits verstorben sind. Shinigami leben in der Soul Society und können von den meisten Menschen nicht gesehen werden, was ein Vorteil ist, da sie sich so frei in der Menschenwelt bewegen können. Normale Geister können nur Shinigami werden, wenn sie mehrere Prüfungen bestehen und unter anderem die Akademie besuchen, was jedoch in manchen Fällen auch wegfallen kann. Shinigami sind in 13 Kompanien eingeteilt, die von den Kommandanten geleitet werden. Als Stellvertreter und als 2. Befehlshaber stehen die Vizekommandanten.
  • thumb|leftGenerální kapitán - Genryūsai Yamamoto Zástupce - Chōjirō Sasakibe Specializace: Žádná (pozn. spolupráce s Ústřední 46) Další známí členové: (-)
  • Shinigami (死神, Bogowie Śmierci; JPF "Strażnicy Śmierci") są strażnikami dusz, którzy przechodzą przez krąg reinkarnacji. Mianowicie są "stabilizatorami". Tępią Hollowy, które czynią zło w Świecie Ludzi. Zapewniają bezpieczne przejście dusz, Plusów, które utraciły swoją drogę po śmierci czyniąc na nich pogrzeb duszy.
  • frame|Kapten Shinigami Shinigami(????bermaksud Dewa Maut,juga dikenali sebagai Soul Reaper(???pengambil roh???)????)adalah sejenis kaum yang merupakan roh orang mati yang mengandungi kuasa roh yang tinggi berperanan sebagai pengiring roh orang mati ke Soul Societydan juga sebagai penguatkuasa di Bumi untuk melawan roh jahat yang dikenali sebagai Hollow.Mereka telah dipilih dari kalangan penduduk dan kerabat diraja Soul Society (yang juga merupakan roh orang mati)setelah belajar di sebuah akademi.Seperti roh yang lain,mereka tidak boleh dilihat oleh manusia biasa kecuali mereka yang mempunyai kuasa roh yang tinggi.Shinigami menggunakan pedang mereka yang dikenali sebagai Zanpaktouuntuk mengahntar Plus ke Soul Society dan juga untuk menentang musuh mereka,Hollow.
  • Istnieje jedyna metoda, by nie dać się złapać: spier40px|link=!
  • Shinigami are Japanese creatures similar to the Grim Reaper of western culture. Both are spirits of death that kill people at their appointed time and guide them to the afterlife. The only difference is that their is only one Reaper, while their are many shinigami.
  • The is the spectral entity summoned through the usage of certain Uzumaki clan fūinjutsu.
  • In Japanese mythology, a shinigami is a spirit of the dead. Some Japanese authors and manga artists adapt the legend into their series.
  • Shinigami (死神, death god(s); Viz "Soul Reaper(s)") are guardians of the souls who are going through the circle of transmigration. In ancient times, they were known as Balancers (調整者 (バランサー), Baransā; Japanese for "Regulators"). They purify Hollows who do evil in the World of the Living and ensure the safe crossing of souls - the Pluses who have lost their way after death - by giving them a soul burial. Shinigami are the opposite of the Quincy.
  • El Shinigami (死神, Shinigami; literalmente "Dios de la Muerte") es una entidad espiritual invocada a través del Sello Consumidor del Demonio de la Muerte.
  • Shinigami are a friendly, up and coming guild whose current objectives are simply to see all members improve, helping one another and enjoying the experience of guild life along the way.
  • Shinigami was a pagoda built by HyperSilence, located across from Megaminoshi in the Summerlands. It existed as a very visible reminder of his power as Archpriest, symbolically gazing eye-to-eye at the residence of Dragonhollow's creator goddess Eris. However, Hyper was later drawn away from the world for a time and the powerful magical seals that preserved the tower decayed and then dissipated completely. At some point, the pagoda vanished and reappeared on one of Hyperion's floating islands, presumably torn from the
  • Shinigami are known for traversing the human worlds and though they usually go unseen there are some that can see the creatures even when incorporeal. The Shinigami take the souls of humans to the netherworld and are said to be some of the only ones who know of the whereabouts of the Rusken Factories that prinnies are crafted in. It is said that from time to time, Shinigami grant their powers of death to humans to amuse themselves and to cure their own boredom. Hit die: d10 Type: Undead (Monster, Demon) A Shinigami gains Skill points equal to 6+ int modifier. • movement speed of 30, Fly 20 (Good)
  • They live in Kyoukai, a border world which is between the living world and the next, and use a portal to reach the living world. They all carry a Scythe, and must sometimes make use of other tools. As some spirits can be restless with regrets that bind them to the living world, they have to listen to a spirit’s rant. Since ancient times, Black Cats have been in partnership with them, supporting them in all sorts of ways, from the day a contract is formed. Each holds a license which indicate their level depending on how much spirits they helped rest.
  • Shinigami vary widely in appearance, and their bodies are built in ways that would seem impossible by humans standards. Like humans, Shinigami also can die, of sorts by extending the life of a human they care about: the purpose of a Shinigami is to end life, not give it, and hence saving a human is contrary to their nature. Shinigami who die in this manner are reduced to dust, and their remaining lifespan is given to the human they saved. Shinigami usually pass the time by gambling with the only thing they have to trade: years of their lives.
  • The Japanese version of The Grim Reaper. Contrary to popular belief, they aren't part of traditional Japanese mythology, but got imported from Europe in the 19th century. Originally used to refer to a single entity featured in the play "Shinigami" (usually translated as "death god," but the word is "kami of death" with its own set of connotations), the term has since evolved to refer to an entire race of Psychopomps in Japanese culture. Or evil demonic soul eaters. Or those assigned to kill evil demonic soul eaters. Each tale tells it differently.
  • Shinigami are souls that have supernatural powers. As such, their bodies are composed of Spiritrons (spirit particles) instead of atoms. This means that just like most other types of spirits, they can only be seen by other spiritually aware entities, which excludes most humans. Nevertheless, they are quite capable of influencing their environment. Shinigami are the personification of death. Their job is to send spirits to Soul Society (the afterlife) in order to maintain a balance of souls between it and the material world, and to exorcise evil spirits. They all have katana known as Zanpakutō, though not all of them carry them. Additionally, they can be injured and die like regular humans, though it takes considerably greater injuries for the latter to occur than it would in regular humans
  • Unter den Menschen gibt es immer wieder Erwachsene wie auch kinder mit einer besonderen Begabung: Sie können tote Menschen sehen. Das bedeutet, dass sie mit richtiger Förderung nach ihrem Tod zu Shinigami werden können, die die Menschen vor Bösen Geistern und Dämonen Verteidigen. Shinigami bedeutet soviel wie Todesgott, da sie selbst eigentlich kaum mehr als Geister sind und sich mithilfe von Menschlichen 'Wirten' in die Realität eingliedern können. Da ein Shinigami auch die Seelen toter Menschen zu einem Übergang ins Jenseits begleiten kann, kommt nie etwas gutes dabei raus wenn die Shinigami in ihrer Konzentrierten gestalt in berührung mit der Lebenden Welt kommen. Das Leben flüchtet von der stelle, das heißt wenn ein shinigami eine Blume pflück stirbt sei im nächsten moment ab, lässte e
  • O papel de um Shinigami (死神, shinigami iluminado. Deuses da Morte) podem parecer semelhantes em certos aspectos ao do Grim Reaper no folclore ocidental. Em Gensokyo , que significa trazer almas para o Yama (ou Enma) Shikieiki Yamaxanadu . De Gensokyo conhecido apenas shinigami, Komachi Onozuka , balsas almas para o Higan . Isto é aparentemente feito por travessia Sanzu no Kawa , um rio no budismo japonês análoga à grega rio Styx . * Exemplos: Komachi Onozuka
  • Shinigami (死神?, "death spirit") is the personification of death that evolved in Japan, having been imported to Japan from Europe during the Meiji period. This image of death was quickly adopted and featured in such works as the rakugo play Shinigami and in Shunsen Takehara's Ehon Hyaku Monogatari (One-hundred Story Picture-Book). The term shinigami may also be used more loosely to refer to any death deity. It seems to be a recent term, however, as it belongs to no specific Shinto deity and is rarely used in folklore.
  • Shinigami (wörtlich Todesgott, sinngemäß auch Totengeist) ist in der japanischen Kultur die Bezeichnung für den personifizierten Tod (dem Sensenmann in der westlichen Kultur entsprechend) und für Götter, die mit dem Tod zu tun haben. Diese sollen Seelen, die noch an die lebende Welt gebunden sind, in die Welt der Toten führen. Die Shinigami sind natürlich nicht als Allmächtig anzusehen. Sie sind selber Seelen, und nehmen lebende Menschen nicht in den Tod.
  • Rukia-Kuchiki
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