On the second seat of a Tank, there is a cupola that you can pop-out of to shoot. Pop-upping is the act of rapidly popping-out of the cupola to annoy the driver.
Attributes | Values |
| - Pop-up
- Pop-Up
- Pop-up
- Pop-up
| - On the second seat of a Tank, there is a cupola that you can pop-out of to shoot. Pop-upping is the act of rapidly popping-out of the cupola to annoy the driver.
- Pop-up (czasami reklama internetowa) – okienko wyskakujące przed tekst i sprawiające, że strony internetowej nie da się przeczytać, bądź wczytuje się tak długo, że masz ochotę ją wyłączyć. Jednak jeśli przez przypadek klikniesz, otworzy się nowe okno w przeglądarce, zwykle zajmując całe pole widzenia. Mało kto wie, że po kliknięciu na pop-up, wyskakują czasem strony nie zawierające pornosów i pornografii zwierzęcej. Znanym trickiem pop-upów jest jednak pokazywanie reklamy stron z erotyką, tylko wtedy, gdy matka zagląda ci przez ramię, aby sprawdzić co robisz na komputerze.
- Pop-Up, Oklahoma is a small town community that was formed during and endured the Chimera occupation, the settlement got its name from the fact that its citizens lived underground and it is located near the abandoned Kildare. By 1954, Pop-Up's settlers survived from the Chimera's genocidal onslaught by living underground, with homes being at least half a mile apart from each other, which meant that if Death Squads stumbled across one of the homes, the others had a chance of surviving. Residents usually kept to themselves apart from a loosely knit co-op-style government that primarily focused on providing health care and education and a fifty-foot-wide circle of wooden stakes, each topped with a Chimeran skull, facing towards a bonfire in the middle where the local families met. Pop-Up was
- Popups are a widespread-favorite brand of cereal consumed by computer-literate users everywhere, using the slogan, "Gotta Have My Pop-Ups!." Contains addictive drugs such as 'pr0n-18' and 'FREEXXX', popular designer drugs used in the making of Popups to keep the user hooked even after a simple one use, referred to as "cookies", "spywares", and "Bob" on the street. Image:PopUps.gif To successfully promote your new website, design a popup today!
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fr name
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es lore
| - Si tu adversario controla una carta en su Zona del Campo y tú no: activa 1 Carta Mágica de Campo en tu Deck. Sólo puedes activar 1 "Libro Pop-Up" por turno.
Romaji Name
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ja lore
| - 「ポップルアップ」は1ターンに1枚しか発動できない。①:相手のフィールドゾーンにカードが存在し、自分フィールドゾーンにカードが存在しない場合に発動できる。デッキからフィールド魔法カード1枚を発動する。
it lore
| - Se il tuo avversario controlla una carta nella sua Zona Terreno e tu no: attiva 1 Carta Magia Terreno dal tuo Deck. Puoi attivare solo 1 "Pop-Up" per turno.
pt name
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| - If your opponent controls a card in their Field Zone and you do not: Activate 1 Field Spell Card from your Deck. You can only activate 1 "Pop-Up" per turn.
pt lore
| - Se seu oponente controlar um card na Zona de Campo dele e você não controlar nenhum: ative 1 Card de Magia de Campo do seu Deck. Você só pode ativar 1 "Pop-Up" por turno.
it name
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trans name
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ko lore
| - "팝업"은 1턴에 1장밖에 발동할 수 없다. ① : 상대의 필드 존에 카드가 존재하고, 자신의 필드 존에 카드가 존재하지 않을 경우에 발동할 수 있다. 덱에서 필드 마법 카드 1장을 발동한다.
de lore
| - Falls dein Gegner eine Karte in seiner Spielfeldzone kontrolliert und du nicht: Aktiviere 1 Spielfeldzauberkarte von deinem Deck. Du kannst nur 1 „Herausklappen“ pro Spielzug aktivieren.
ko name
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de name
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fr lore
| - Si votre adversaire contrôle une carte dans sa Zone Terrain et que vous n'en contrôlez pas : activez 1 Carte Magie de Terrain depuis votre Deck. Vous ne pouvez activer qu'1 "Animation" par tour.
card type
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effect types
| - Activation requirement, Effect, Condition
database id
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| - * Only once per turn
* Female
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Ja Name
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| - Activates cards from your Deck
| - Pop-Up, Oklahoma is a small town community that was formed during and endured the Chimera occupation, the settlement got its name from the fact that its citizens lived underground and it is located near the abandoned Kildare. By 1954, Pop-Up's settlers survived from the Chimera's genocidal onslaught by living underground, with homes being at least half a mile apart from each other, which meant that if Death Squads stumbled across one of the homes, the others had a chance of surviving. Residents usually kept to themselves apart from a loosely knit co-op-style government that primarily focused on providing health care and education and a fifty-foot-wide circle of wooden stakes, each topped with a Chimeran skull, facing towards a bonfire in the middle where the local families met. Pop-Up was known by the surrounding Oklahoma communities as a place with a large volunteer miltia, which could field as many as thirty soldiers, making them valuable allies. In January 1954, Pop-Up was visited by six New American Republic regulators who wanted the community to be part of the ever growing American Empire which was ruled by Judge George Ramsey. The Pop-Up settlers were upset by the way the 'invitation' sounded like an order and declined when settler Harvey shot the N.A.R's messenger and his fellow Pop-Up citizens killed four of the remaining five regulators. A few days later on the 10th, neighbouring community Haven and remnants of the United States Army under the command of Captain Marvin Kawecki visited and succesfully enrolled the citizens of Pop-Up into an alliance against the N.A.R's settlement Tunnel-Through. Pop-Up settlers did fight in the First Battle for Tunnel-Through which turned out to be a failure with an unknown amount of Pop-Up casualties.
- On the second seat of a Tank, there is a cupola that you can pop-out of to shoot. Pop-upping is the act of rapidly popping-out of the cupola to annoy the driver.
- Popups are a widespread-favorite brand of cereal consumed by computer-literate users everywhere, using the slogan, "Gotta Have My Pop-Ups!." Contains addictive drugs such as 'pr0n-18' and 'FREEXXX', popular designer drugs used in the making of Popups to keep the user hooked even after a simple one use, referred to as "cookies", "spywares", and "Bob" on the street. Once initially used, the drugs enter the bloodstream and make their way to the brain, where the user, based on their accumulated internet-browsing-experience (IBE), is either dominated with the urge to fill their primitive needs and acquire more excitement and joy or, if applied to a resistant user, has little if no effect and simply causes the emotion anger and runs the risk of stabbing the first living thing it sees. If the former situation is the case, the user finds themselves jogging to their computers and entering the sexy yet most likely membership-required site programmed into their brain by the drugs. Popups are the best way to advertise because a whopping 0.0003‰ of users in the Internet click them at least once. They come in all forms from "Christian right wingers against sex having sex" to "0.00000000000000001% APR on your loan." Image:PopUps.gif Popups are the best way to advertise since, unlike most other types of advertising, people don't get pissed off when they come up. And unlike other types of advertising, people actually take notice of them and not just to financially support the website. Also, the number of popups that appear when you go on many websites don't completely obscure the page you're looking at and take 10 minutes to close all of them unlike banner ads do. Another great feature of popups is that people are the millionth visitor to a website so much that the geeks are actually earning more money by sitting at home on their PC clicking on ads in a day than their parents will earn in a lifetime. To successfully promote your new website, design a popup today!
- Pop-up (czasami reklama internetowa) – okienko wyskakujące przed tekst i sprawiające, że strony internetowej nie da się przeczytać, bądź wczytuje się tak długo, że masz ochotę ją wyłączyć. Jednak jeśli przez przypadek klikniesz, otworzy się nowe okno w przeglądarce, zwykle zajmując całe pole widzenia. Mało kto wie, że po kliknięciu na pop-up, wyskakują czasem strony nie zawierające pornosów i pornografii zwierzęcej. Znanym trickiem pop-upów jest jednak pokazywanie reklamy stron z erotyką, tylko wtedy, gdy matka zagląda ci przez ramię, aby sprawdzić co robisz na komputerze. link=Wirus komputerowy left|link=RedTube Pop-upy zwykle są strasznie oczojebne, przez co dostajesz oczopląsu, gdy próbujesz coś przeczytać. Mimo to znane są fankluby i kolekcjonerzy okienek, jednak nie mają łatwego życia ze swą pasją, gdyż zwykle są kotami, małymi dziećmi, bądź noszą specjalne kaftany.