| - El setecientos ocho (708) es el número natural que sigue al 707 y precede al 709. Categoría:Números
- [[Plik:708 (Metro Młociny).JPG|thumb|right|250px|Autobus MAN NG313 na linii 708 na krańcu Metro Młociny (2015)]] 708 – linia autobusowa zwykła strefowa (rozkład jazdy), która łączy Metro Młociny z Truskawiem (kraniec Skibińskiego). Linia dodatkowo wykonuje kursy wariantowe do Sierakowa (przez cały tydzień) oraz do Hornówka (tylko kilka kursów w popołudniowym szczycie). Kursy do Hornówka oznaczone są w rozkładzie literą „h” a do Sierakowa – „s”. Linię obsługuje ajent ajent MobilisKategoria:Linie obsługiwane przez Mobilis. W dni wolne w nocy na trasie linii "708" kursuje linia N58.
- Edward Collins lets Barnabas in the front door and escorts him to Edith's body, lying in her casket in Edward's study where he asks if Edith may have told him the family secret before she died. He tells Barnabas he believes that she did, then asks what is in the mausoleum. At the Old House, Magda arrives home, to find herself once again being strangled by Quentin, who demands to know where the will is.
- Um Stellas Provokation zu beenden, schleppt Lars Stella zur Ausnüchterung unter die Dusche. Dort können sich die beiden aber nicht länger gegen ihre Gefühle wehren. Lars entschließt sich daraufhin, Stella die ganze Wahrheit anzuvertrauen, und Stella erfährt, dass ihr Vater hinter Jennys Entführung steckt. Celine macht Maximilian bittere Vorwürfe, dass er Lena erpresst hat. Dieser ist geschockt von der Tatsache, seinen Sohn verloren zu haben und dass Celine ihm in den Rücken gefallen ist. Er bittet Celine um eine letzte Chance. Nachdem Lena sich in letzter Sekunde entschieden hat, nicht auf Maximilians Erpressung einzugehen, stellt sich Mike den Behörden. Damit ist der Weg frei für Deniz' Entlassung aus der U-Haft. Lena wird klar, was Mike alles für sie getan hat und sie bedauert, Mike nich
| - Edward Collins lets Barnabas in the front door and escorts him to Edith's body, lying in her casket in Edward's study where he asks if Edith may have told him the family secret before she died. He tells Barnabas he believes that she did, then asks what is in the mausoleum. Barnabas acts shocked, but Edward explains that Magda told Carl that there was a living person who knew the secret. He explains that Edith took a liking to Magda and told her many things, and assumes she told Magda this before she died. He believes that in her delirium that she may have confused Barnabas with the man in the portrait in the foyer. Barnabas asks how he can believe a gypsy's word, but Edward says he has to believe it, but maybe she wrote it down. He explains that Edith distrusted most people, particularly lawyers and hid her will in a location known only to Judith. In the foyer, Evan Hanley, the family lawyer, arrives and is greeted by Quentin. When Evan expresses his condolences to Quentin, Quentin laughs, reminding him that Edith hated him because she knew about him being a Satanist. Evan asks him not to speak of such things in the house and tells him Judith asked him to come by because of Edith's will, which he has not seen. Quentin assures Evan that the Collins money will pass to a family member. Quentin convinces Evan to help him alter the will, giving him 10% of his inheritance, but Evan doesn't believe there is time, as Judith is bringing him the letter which tells where the will is kept. Quentin leaves to get the will and Edward introduces Evan to Barnabas. Once they are gone, Jamison Collins appears at the top of the staircase, telling Barnabas how Edith and Evan really felt about each other before they introduce themselves to each other. Jamison confides in Barnabas his fear of dead people, but says he will see her with Quentin because he is never scared when he is with Quentin. When Barnabas inquires about Quentin, Jamison flies off in a huff, saying Barnabas hates Quentin, just like all the others in the family. At the Old House, Magda arrives home, to find herself once again being strangled by Quentin, who demands to know where the will is. Magda frees herself from Quentin. She tells Quentin she doesn't even care any more, Judith won't even let her see Edith's body. She reveals the will is in Edith's casket, in a secret pocket in the lining. Quentin asks if she knows what is in the will, after threatening her again, Magda says Edith left him nothing. She tells him she knows he has a plan and unless he pays her, she will tell everyone he changed the will. Quentin leaves and Barnabas creeps up and they discuss Quentin and her loose lips. Edward berates Jamison over not viewing Edith's body and tells Evan he wants to read the will as soon as possible. Jamison is left alone in the drawing room where he sees Quentin at the window. Quentin cheers Jamison up and Jamison tells him he is scared to see Edith. Quentin tells him he must view Edith alone if he wants to grow up, but that nothing bad will happen to him. He calms Jamison and tells him he will wait outside and listen in case anything does happen. He tells Jamison he dreamed Edith left a message for Quentin in her coffin, on a piece of paper on the left side and that Jamison would bring it to him and tell no one. As Jamison goes in, Evan and Edward come downstairs with the letter telling where the will is hidden. Jamison walks up to the coffin and finds the paper. Quentin and Edward fight in the foyer while Jamison pockets the note, then hides as Edward enters and looks for the will. Edward finds the pocket, but no note. Edward returns to the foyer and says the will is gone. Evan suggest Edith may not have had time to hide it while Quentin says the gypsies may have taken it. Quentin proposes they play a game "Find Grand-ma-ma's will" which Edward finds extremely revolting. Edward and Evan go to get Judith to search for the will, leaving Quentin and Barnabas alone. Barnabas says Quentin could stop the search by telling everyone where the will is. Barnabas tells him he has 1 hour to figure out how to give the will back.
- Um Stellas Provokation zu beenden, schleppt Lars Stella zur Ausnüchterung unter die Dusche. Dort können sich die beiden aber nicht länger gegen ihre Gefühle wehren. Lars entschließt sich daraufhin, Stella die ganze Wahrheit anzuvertrauen, und Stella erfährt, dass ihr Vater hinter Jennys Entführung steckt. Celine macht Maximilian bittere Vorwürfe, dass er Lena erpresst hat. Dieser ist geschockt von der Tatsache, seinen Sohn verloren zu haben und dass Celine ihm in den Rücken gefallen ist. Er bittet Celine um eine letzte Chance. Nachdem Lena sich in letzter Sekunde entschieden hat, nicht auf Maximilians Erpressung einzugehen, stellt sich Mike den Behörden. Damit ist der Weg frei für Deniz' Entlassung aus der U-Haft. Lena wird klar, was Mike alles für sie getan hat und sie bedauert, Mike nicht so zu lieben, wie er sie.
- El setecientos ocho (708) es el número natural que sigue al 707 y precede al 709. Categoría:Números
- [[Plik:708 (Metro Młociny).JPG|thumb|right|250px|Autobus MAN NG313 na linii 708 na krańcu Metro Młociny (2015)]] 708 – linia autobusowa zwykła strefowa (rozkład jazdy), która łączy Metro Młociny z Truskawiem (kraniec Skibińskiego). Linia dodatkowo wykonuje kursy wariantowe do Sierakowa (przez cały tydzień) oraz do Hornówka (tylko kilka kursów w popołudniowym szczycie). Kursy do Hornówka oznaczone są w rozkładzie literą „h” a do Sierakowa – „s”. Linię obsługuje ajent ajent MobilisKategoria:Linie obsługiwane przez Mobilis. W dni wolne w nocy na trasie linii "708" kursuje linia N58.