| - "Ser Jorah fled Ned Stark's justice, and now he's stopped the killing Stark was dead set against. Is this mere irony, my [lord/lady], or something more?"
- "Say not that they made it happen, my [lord/lady], but that they shed light for Ser Jorah to walk by, and for the princess to meet him. Easing the path."
- "This could be a sign of greater destiny at work."
- "We should be grateful. Fate works in Daenerys's favor- and therefore in ours."
- "I can't say I understand destiny, my [lord/lady], but it's always been said that the Targaryens are the Seven Kingdoms, and the other way round too."
- "The gods give the Bear a chance to make up for his crimes... and to save the Dragon."
- "I won't thank the gods or some unseen force for this. I'll just be happy."
- "It seems to me to be a coincidence, nothing more."
- "I agree, my [lord/lady]. We should welcome such luck, in a game of dice or in the greater world."
- "Look not to Ned Stark but to the Seven. They made this happen."