| - Po'pay (also spelled Popé; ca. 1630 – ca. 1688) was a Tewa religious leader from Ohkay Owingeh (formerly known as San Juan Pueblo), who led the Pueblo Revolt against Spanish colonial rule in New Mexico 1680. The Revolt was the culmination of years of planning on Po'pay's part, which began after he was among several religious leaders accused of, and imprisoned for, witchcraft by the Spanish. Po'pay was able to form alliances with several of the pueblos in the area, despite a history conflict and a lack of common language. He even murdered his son-in-law, a Spanish loyalist.
| - Po'pay (also spelled Popé; ca. 1630 – ca. 1688) was a Tewa religious leader from Ohkay Owingeh (formerly known as San Juan Pueblo), who led the Pueblo Revolt against Spanish colonial rule in New Mexico 1680. The Revolt was the culmination of years of planning on Po'pay's part, which began after he was among several religious leaders accused of, and imprisoned for, witchcraft by the Spanish. Po'pay was able to form alliances with several of the pueblos in the area, despite a history conflict and a lack of common language. He even murdered his son-in-law, a Spanish loyalist. Po'pay is believed to have died in 1688, but the circumstances of his death are not clear. While the Revolt was a success in the short term, by the end of the century, the Pueblo had grown fractured again, and the Spanish returned. However, the revolt did insure that the Pueblo culture survived, as the Spanish were much more liberal in their rule after their return.