| - Antares was mentioned as a distant location, "somewhere, beyond the stars", in the Beyond Antares. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King" , "The Changeling" ) In 2367, the location of Antares was labeled on a tactical situation monitor in Captain Benjamin Maxwell's ready room on the USS Phoenix. (TNG: "The Wounded" , okudagram) In 2366, in an alternate timeline, during the Federation-Klingon War, the location of Antares was labeled on a tactical situation monitor in the ready room aboard the USS Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise" , okudagram)
| - Antares was mentioned as a distant location, "somewhere, beyond the stars", in the Beyond Antares. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King" , "The Changeling" ) In 2367, the location of Antares was labeled on a tactical situation monitor in Captain Benjamin Maxwell's ready room on the USS Phoenix. (TNG: "The Wounded" , okudagram) In 2366, in an alternate timeline, during the Federation-Klingon War, the location of Antares was labeled on a tactical situation monitor in the ready room aboard the USS Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise" , okudagram) It was probable that this star was in the Antares sector. According to Star Trek: Star Charts ("United Federation of Planets II"), the Antares (Alpha Scorpii) star system was located in the Beta Quadrant. This was a binary system with a M-class star and a B-class star. In the Webster episode "Webtrek", the USS Enterprise-D goes to red alert as it struggles to "clear the gravitational pull of Antares" and enter the 'time continuum'.