| - Tzar (also spelled Tsar or Czar) is a Slavic title identical to “emperor”. Sovereigns in Russia from 1480-1917, in Bulgaria from 913-1018, 1185-1422, and 1908-1946, and in Serbia during the 14th Century used the title Tzar. The feminine form of Tzar is Tzarina (or Czarina). Tzar is derived from the Roman title for emperor, “Caesar” (the Roman word for emperor was imperator). The word Kaiser is also derived from Caesar (and applies primarily to emperors in Germanic lands). In the English language (specifically in North America), the term czar has come to refer to an expert in a field who has the power to implement policy (e.g. drug czar). The name Snoll Tzar may derive from the idea of Tzar being a high-ranking title associated with colder lands (e.g. Russia), as compared with king or queen (e.g. Bomb King, Bomb Queen). It may also stem from the term “snow czar”, which refers to a city official in the US or Canada (usually in the city’s Department of Transportation) who is charged with removing the snow from a snowstorm or blizzard and commands a fleet of snow plows. Another possibility is that the name comes from the Tsar Bomba, which was the largest nuclear explosion in history tested out by the Soviet Union with a yield of 50 megatons of TNT.