| - by user SamIam A NY Times editorial backs a report written by eleven retired Admirals and Generals who see Global Warming as a threat to Global Security. This report reminds me of "The Coming Anarchy", Robert Kagan's 1994 article in The Atlantic Monthly. In the article, Kagan sees death and destruction everywhere. It is certainly alarmist, and Kagan uses the backdrop of Sierra Leone and West Africa to show us a glimpse of the future. Land will become overworked and less fruitful, farmers will move to sprawling cities and breed, there will not be enough for everyone, and people will kill each other. The violence will spread like chickenpox in a first grade classroom. Cheery stuff. There are few who can out-realist Robert Kagan. His 2003 book Of Paradise and Power put forward the idea that Europe had passed through an age where power was important and had moved on to a sort of "post-modernist paradise" where it was not so important. This was because the US was watching its back and making sure everything was safe in the world, so Europe didn't have to worry. It got rave reviews... in the US. So in "The Coming Anarchy" we are looking at the consequences of global warming and environmental and social deterioration in the Less Developed Nations as a "national security issue". Kagan advocates addressing these issues as such, making this one of the first neo-con texts. It was interesting reading, as Kagan puts establishment terms to social issues normally reserved for the anti-establishment. However, as with Of Paradise and Power the overwhelming Amero-centric point of view and focused realism obscure many issues and ignore others. I don't want to associate the report put out by the Admirals and Generals today too much with Kagan's article. Especially now that I've labeled the article as a neo-con venture. Global warming is a security issue, Kagan was right. The millions living in the floodplains of Bangladesh have to go somewhere when the water rises. The result of displacing a population of that size will not be a smooth operation, as we have seen with Katrina evacuees. This is only one of several areas that will have issues. The establishment must recognise this, and every step toward policy designed around how we leave the planet to the next generation is a good thing. __NOEDITSECTION__ From The Opinion Wiki, a Wikia wiki. From The Opinion Wiki, a Wikia wiki.