| - The Freelance Police catch wind of this scheme when the Soda Poppers visit their neighborhood and (amongst other things) try to forcibly put the Eye-Bo video's in Bosco's store. After de-hypnotizing all three, they go on to confront and eventually defeat Brady Culture. Max keeps his hair as a souvenir. Reports on what happened to Brady afterwards are conflicting, with a newspaper suggesting he went to jail but the Soda Poppers saying they beat him to death. Sam & Max meet him again in hell in What's new, Beelzebub?, so it is at least clear that he died by then. His hypno-goggles can be seen in his cubicle, where he seems to be very happy working in hell. He is also the only antagonist in season 1 that had almost nothing to do with Hugh Bliss.
- Sam and Max find the Soda Poppers brainwashed and under the control of a mysterious individual. Among their various tasks given include vandalizing property with spraypaintings of Culture's image and delivering loads of his "Eye-bo exercise" video tapes in stores. In reality, these video tapes hypnotize and place those hypnotized under Culture's control. He also mentally enthralled the Soda Poppers as revenge for them outdoing his show with their own in the 1970s. Culture accomplished this by luring them into his fake clinic, Brady Culture Home for Child Stars. Working with hypnotist goggles, Culture manages to hypnotize Sam and kidnap Max when the two get into the Brady Culture Home for Former Child Stars. Sam gets out of the trance and devises an anti-hypnosis helmet from a collander with Bosco and Sybil's help. Countering Culture once more, Sam tricks Culture into commanding the Soda Poppers to attack him.