| - Aramil (Russ. Арамиль, Finn. Aramili) is a Uralican city in Southeast Uralica county, and a bedroom community of sorts to Yekaterinburg, which is only 25 kilometres to its northwest. It sits just off Highway UH-19. The largest industry in the city is by far the production of textiles of all sorts, although there are modest metallurgy, food-production, and printing sectors as well.
| - Aramil (Russ. Арамиль, Finn. Aramili) is a Uralican city in Southeast Uralica county, and a bedroom community of sorts to Yekaterinburg, which is only 25 kilometres to its northwest. It sits just off Highway UH-19. The largest industry in the city is by far the production of textiles of all sorts, although there are modest metallurgy, food-production, and printing sectors as well. That said, a lot of the city's residents work in Yekaterinburg, therefore the industrial sector doesn't need to be that large. However, the retail sector is quite large, and it contains, among myriad other shops, Southeast Uralica's largest shopping mall (also the second-largest in Uralica after Kupriyanov Mall in Kirov).