| - Race: animal Alignment: true neutral Armor class: 9 Hit points: 6 Attack bonus: +1 Damage: d6+1 piercing damage (creature weapon) Hit dice (level): 1 Challenge rating: 1/2 Size: medium Trained skills:(‡) listen (2), spot (2) Feats: weapon proficiency (creature) Blueprint:(‡) nw_ox Craft drop: leather hide
- Ox (オックス) is a character from the Fighter's History series. He appears as a secret boss in Fighter's History Dynamite who can be fought by winning the game without losing any rounds. The fight only lasts one round and the game ends regardless if the player won or lost. He is a reference to the ox that appears in the Data East game Karate Champ.
- Ox is a suffix that can appear on Magic and Rare Items. It provides a moderate bonus to Strength. It can start spawning on items at Item Level 26, but will not be able to spawn on all items until level 45.
- Ox is
- Ronald Bloch is a member of the Enforcers.
- Ox's job prior to the Cataclysm was to send prospective Horde armorsmiths on a journey to find their calling. They first had to complete the quest The Old Ways for Aturk the Anvil. Ox would then give the blacksmith the quest File:Horde 15.png [43] Booty Bay or Bust! (Blacksmithing), which would send them on their journey to become an armorsmith. See List of Orgrimmar NPCs.
- Ox was an Urrorunt from Blackdot who gave contracts to bounty hunters from a cantina on Taris called the Dirty Old Basnik.
- His best buddy Wedgehead calls that stealing, but OX just wants to borrow things from you for a few hundred years. He promises to put everything back when he's done. Whathe wants to steal most are kisses, whether they're in the chocolate variety or just plain, and he promises to be your friend if you would lend him a hand, or an ear...or like Two Dollars!
- [Source] "Ox" était le surnom d'un soldat clone servant la Grande Armée de la République pendant la Guerre des Clones. Il était membre de la Compagnie Tango.
- The Ox, or big fat ox, is an ox that appears in two episodes so far. He strongly resembles a muskox. When Buford called him a big fat ox, the ox made a sad sound, showing that he does not like to be called big and fat.
- An ox, also known as a bullock, is an animal that is often used for pulling or carrying heavy items. On March 3, 1850, Marty McFly, Jules Brown, and Verne Brown disguised the DeLorean time machine as a covered wagon. When Daniel Clayton and Martha O'Brien's wagon train arrived, with various animals carrying the wagons, including horses, mules, and oxen. They let them join the wagon train, and lent them two mules.
- "Ox" era el apodo de un Soldado clon que sirvió a bordo de una fragata de suministro de la República dirigida por las Comandantes Jedi Ahsoka Tano y Barriss Offee.Él estaba infectado con uno de los gusanos cerebrales geonosianos que habían sido guardados a bordo de la fragata y posteriormente fue controlado mentalmente y obligado a atacar a los pilotos clon en el puente, así como a las Jedi.
- You know who Ox is (no not the animal!) Ox as. in hugs and kisses.
- An ox is a large beast, used to move loads, and pull ox carts. The Gypsies in Serenia use an ox to pull there wagons. The large ox tied to the gypsies' wagon peacefully munches on grass.
- [[Category:Breath of Fire |Ox]][[Category:Breath of Fire Residents|Ox]][[Category:Breath of Fire |Ox]][[Category:Breath of Fire II |Ox]][[Category:Breath of Fire III |Ox]][[Category:Breath of Fire IV |Ox]][[Category:Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter |Ox]] Ox is a character found in Breath of Fire.
- OX is a Raven appearing in Armored Core 3. He is ranked C-13 in the Arena.
- An ox is an attackable NPC which was released along with the Warriors of Legend update. As many other attackable NPCs, the Ox is merely another regular NPC that can be attacked with no requirement and low stats along with the Chicken and the typical Man. The Ox is the slightly larger look variant of the Buffalo, but the stats are the same.
- Ox is an unknown RuneScape player who is the most efficent player like zarfot.
- The Ox is a mini-boss in the level Metropolis in Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!. It joins in with the rebellion of the farm animals against Metropolis, having bombs at its disposal and is stationed in the ice arena. Spyro later defeated the Ox, and was rewarded with an orb. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by editing this page for Spyro.
- Ox is a four-legged mammal native from Earth. Taurus used as pack animals perfect for lengthy trips. (RPG: "First Steps: The Stargate Unexplored Worlds Roleplaying Sourcebook")
- Oxen were the largest bovines in Rokugan, and were commonly found in hilly forests and rugged terrain. Also known as gaur, the ox was known for its sturdy ruggedness and tenacity, and the bull ox could weigh up to eighteen hundred pounds. The ox was by nature a shy and timid creature, but because of its size it could defend itself adequately against predators. Like most cattle the ox had an acute sense of smell, but both eyesight and hearing were quite poor.
- An ox (plural oxen) was a large domestic bovine, native to Earth, that was closely related to the cow/bull. Flint recalled when the bubonic plague spread through Constantinople in the summer of 1334. He described how "it marched through the streets, the sewers. It left the city by ox cart, by sea, to kill half of Europe: the rats, rustling and squealing in the night as they, too, died." (TOS: "Requiem for Methuselah" ) The Ox and Lamb was a 19th century inn run by Neelix in the holographic village of Fair Haven. (VOY: "Spirit Folk", "Fair Haven")
- He later appears in The Spider-man TV Series from 1967. He and Montana were hired by the plotter to steal blueprints for him. He is portrayed as stupid and greedy. Later he appears in The Spectacular Spider-man TV series from 2008. He appeared alongside the Enforcers including himself, Fancy Dan, and Montana (Later Shocker). He is seen as a large man with a black mustache. He first appears in a meeting. He is later sent with the other Enforcers to hunt down and kill Spider-man with the help of The Vulture. Spider-man later defeats Fancy Dan and jumps of the building to get away, but Ox Jumps off and grabs him but Spider-man uses his tricks on him and defeats him along with The Vulture and Montana, who escapes. He is seen way later in Prison and he escapes with Fancy Dan and the Sinister Si
- The Ore Extraction Engine (OX/OXEN) is the annexed counterpart to the MULE. Designed for gathering large amounts of resources, the OX uses hybridized fusion cutters and particle beams from both SCVs and Probes. Replacing repair tools are multiple laser drills copied from FAFNRs schematics. Augmented with advanced particle focusing technology, an OX tunnels through most solid matter as if moving through air (Star Trek: Horta). Tough substances like iron and granite are ground into more manageable pieces by these cutters making resource processing several times more efficient. Not only that, the OX is equipped with molecular compression technology to temporarily shrink large amounts of resources for easy storage within their chests components (Ratchet and Clank: Clank and Infobots).