About: The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial   Sponge Permalink

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  • The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial
  • The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial
dramatis personae
  • *Nom Anor; executor *Malik Carr; commander *Reck Desh; Peace Brigade mercenary *Droma; spacer *Elan; priestess *Harrar; priest *Belindi Kalenda; New Republic Intelligence *Raff; Battle Tactician *Roa; captain, Happy Dagger *Major Showolter; New Republic Intelligence / Cov Yoly *Luke Skywalker; Jedi Master *Mara Jade Skywalker; Jedi Master *Anakin Solo; Jedi Knight *Han Solo; captain, Millennium Falcon / Vykk Drago [sic] / Slick / Roaky Laamu *Leia Organa Solo; New Republic ambassador *Tla; commander *Vergere; Elan's familiar
  • *Amphistaff *Aric *Bantha *Bo'tous *Cloaker / Ooglith masquer *Coomb spore *Cora *Dinko *Dovin basal *Dweebit "Belkadan beetle" *Gundark *Katarn *Kkekkrrg rro "Shadow-keeper" *Kroyie *Manka cat *Mynock *Needlebug *Nerf *Ng'ok *Phosflea *Plaeryin bol *Quillarat *Rkkrrkkrl "Trap-spinner" *Scuttle grazer *Space slug *Stink-fly *Taopari *Trakkrrrn *Unmasker *Velker *Villip *Vine snake *Vonduun Skerr Kyrric *Vornskr *Woolamander *Yammosk "War coordinator" *Yorik coral *Ysalamir *Yunax
Book name
  • The New Jedi Order:
  • Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial
  • 25(xsd:integer)
  • *AAA-2 VerboBrain *Acceleration couch *Anticontamination suit *Artificial gravity generator *Authenticator *Auto-tracking fire controller *Bacta patch *Bacta tank *Beltway *Bioreactor *Blaster **DL-44 heavy blaster pistol *Blaster rifle **E-11 blaster rifle ***E-11A1 blaster rifle **E-15A blaster rifle *Blast shield *Blender *Bowcaster *Centrally Controlled Independent Replicant "CCIR" *Cloaking device *Clone *Comlink *Communications array *Concussion missile launcher *DXR-6 disruptor rifle *Datacard *Datapad *Deflector shield generator *Diagnostic monitor *Dread weapon *Drive matrix *Droid summoner *Embrace of Pain *Emergency beacon *Enviro-suit "EVA suit" / "Space suit" *Etheric rudder *Flatscreen *Flechette launcher *G-couch *Glowrod / Luma *Grenade launcher *HoloNet *Hologram *Holoprojector *Hover Platform *Hull cutter *Hydrospanner *Hyperdrive *Inertial compensator *Inhibition field *Intercom *Interference field *Interdiction field generator *Ion cannon *Ion drive *Irradiator *Knife *Laser *Life-maintenance system *Lightsaber *Macrofuser *Macrolens goggles *Magnetic accelerator *Magnetic containment window *Maneuvering jet *Manipulator arm *Mark 7 generator *Memory wipe *Miniature transpirator *Mycogen *Myostim *Nano-destroyer *Navicomputer *Obah gas *Optical transducer panel *Photoreceptor *Power core *Power feed *Power pack *Pressurizer *Proton torpedo *Quad laser cannon *Quarrel *Rectenna *Remote *Repulsor boots *Repulsor coil **Repulsor coil implant *Repulsorlift *Repulsorpod *Restraining bolt *Retrorocket *Retro thruster *Ryyyk blade *Sensor array *Sensor lens *Sensor suite *Separator charge *Series 401 motivator *Servomotor *Shroud field *Sienar Systems augmentor *Sleeper bomb *Soft-landing coil *Space mine *Stabilizer *Stun baton *Stun net *Sublight drive *Subspace transceiver *Survival tool *Synthflesh *Synthskin *Tall-Yor "Cognition hood" *Thruster port *Tractor beam *Tractor beam array *Transfer tube *Transparisteel *Transpirator *Transponder code *Turbolaser **H9 turbolaser *Turbolift *Universal Energy Cage *Vibroblade *Voice disguiser *Wall-mounted illuminator bar *Yaret-Kor "Plasma cannon"
  • *Battle of Endor *Battle of Hoth *Battle of Yavin *Black Fleet Crisis **Mission to the Koornacht Cluster *Blockade Runners Derby *Clone Wars *Cloud City Sabacc Tournament *Conclave on the Plight of the Refugees *Duel on Cloud City *First Corellian Insurrection *Funeral of Chewbacca *Great Jedi Purge *Kidnapping on Munto Codru *Liberation of Kashyyyk *Outbound Flight Project *Pellaeon–Gavrisom Treaty *Battle of the Great Pit of Carkoon *Wedding of Chewbacca and Mallatobuck *Yuuzhan Vong War **Skirmish at Helska IV **Destruction of Sernpidal **Battle of Helska IV **Battle of Dantooine **Battle of Garqi **Battle of Ithor **First Battle of Obroa-skai **Battle near Exodo II **Raid on Wayland **Battle of Ord Mantell **Battle of Bilbringi
  • Der Untergang#legends
Release Date
  • 2000-08-01(xsd:date)
  • Agents of Chaos Arrive
  • Agents of Chaos Coming
  • Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial
Cover Artist
media type
  • Paperback
  • *A/KT combat jumpsuit *Airlock *Anti-Jedi sentiment *Anti-droid sentiment *Askajian suit *Asteroid *Bacta *Baldric *Barbecued trakkrrrn ribs *Basic *Binary *Buffing station *Carafe *Carbonite *Casino *Chak-root cigarra *Chromasheath *Cigarra *Cofferdam *Corellian Bloodstripe *Cortosis *Credit *Cronau radiation *Crosh-hide *Death Seed *Debble Agreement *Deception sect dialect *Durasheet **Self-destruct durasheet *Ebla beer *Electrum *Fijisi *The Force **Dark side of the Force **Force healing **Force sense **Light side of the Force **Telekinesis *Forest-honey **Forest-honey cake *The galaxy *Gaming parlor *Gizer ale *Glitterstim *Goggles *Grav-ball "Zoneball" *Greel wood *Head-tail *Hologame table **Dejarik *Honoghran *Horn *Hyperspace *Hyperspace lane **Hydian Way **Perlemian Trade Route *Intergalactic Void / Intergalactic space *Jaddyyk moss *Janguine *Jedi cloak / Jedi robe *Jizz *Jizz lounge *Jubilee Wheel (game) *Kessel Run *Kolvissh *Kshyy vine *Labor camp *Laro *Life debt *Lightspeed *Liquor *Margengai-glide *May the Force be with you *Mirage *Mock shyr *Namadii Corridor *Nerf steak *Null-g ballroom *Obah gas *Observation deck *Orga *Outlaw tech *Parsec *Permacrete *Planetoid *Plasma *Plasteel *Pressure dome *Quulaar *R'alla mineral water *Rampa Rapids *Refresher / 'fresher *Restaurant *Rillrrnnn *Ring *Rite of passage *Roa's Rules *Ryn *Sabacc **Chip-card ***Balance ***Demise ***Endurance ***Idiot's Array ***Moderation ***Pure Sabacc ***Queen of Air and Darkness ***Sabacc pot ***Skifter ***The Evil One ***The Idiot ***The Star *Shag fern *Shimmersilk *Shockball *Shyriiwook *Slavery *Smashball *Smoky Dreams *Snubfighter *Spa *Spaceport *Spice *Spiced aric tongue *Swimming pool *Swing-bop *Syren plant *Tapcaf *Tattoo *Tonsorial parlor *Tosi-karu *Transdermal bacta patch *Travel voucher *Trichinitis *Universal Conscription Bill *Uvide *Uwa *Vacuum *Jet juice *Viewport *Waiter *Waivers List *Wasaka berry *Whiskey **Corellian whiskey ***Whyren's Reserve *Wine *Wroshyr tree *Xachibik broth *Yuuzhan Vong **Belek tiu **Do-ro'ik vong pratte! *Zwil **Drovian zwil Yuuzhan Vong religion *True Way **Yun-Harla **Yun-Yammka **Yun-Yuuzhan
  • Agenci chaosu I: Próba bohatera
Preceded By
  • *Alderaanian pleasure craft *All Terrain Armored Transport "AT-AT" *B-wing starfighter "B-wing" **E2 B-wing starfighter *Bothan Assault Cruiser *Centerpoint Station *Corbantis *Corvette **CR90 corvette "Blockade Runner" **Marauder-class corvette *Cruiser **Consular-class cruiser "Diplomatic cruiser" *Death Star II *Destroyer *Droid starfighter *Drone ship *E-wing escort starfighter "E-wing" *Escape pod *Freighter **YT-1300 light freighter ***Millennium Falcon **YT-2400 light freighter *Frigate **EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate "Escort frigate" *Gallofree transport *Golan space defense platform "Defense platform" *Gunboat *I'Friil Ma-Nat "Corvette" *Indomitable *Ithorian Herdship *J-type 327 Nubian royal starship "J-type 327 Nubian" *Jewel of Churba *Jubilee Wheel **Bet's Off *Koros-Strohna "Worldship" **Harla *Kuari Princess *Lady of Mindor *Landspeeder **Corvair landspeeder *Luxury yacht *Matalok "Light cruiser analog" *Mediator-class battle cruiser *Miid ro'ik "Warship" **Harrar's ship *Mon Calamari Star Cruiser **MC80 Star Cruiser *Penga Rift *Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 **Happy Dagger **Jade's Fire *Pride of Yevetha *Proficient-class cruiser **Soothfast *Quamar Messenger *Queen of Empire **Sick bay *Quasar Fire-class bulk cruiser "Cruiser-carrier" **Thurse *Ranger-class gunship *Repulsorcab *Repulsor limousine *Ro'ik chuun m'arh "Frigate" **Malik Carr's ship *Sh'rip Sh'pa "Spawn ship" *Shuttle **Martial-class shuttle **Segue *Star Destroyer **Imperial II-class Star Destroyer ***Avenger ***Erinnic **Liquidator **Rejuvenator **Super-class Star Destroyer ***Pride of Yevetha *Swoop *TaggeCo luxury yacht *TIE Series **TIE/IN interceptor "TIE interceptor" **TIE/LN starfighter *Tinta Palette *Tinta Rainbow *Transport *Troop carrier *Uro-ik v'alh "Battleship" *Uumufalh "Gunship" *Viscount-class Star Defender *Wayfarer *X-wing starfighter "X-wing" **T-65A3 X-wing starfighter *Yorik-et "Coralskipper" *Yorik-ta "Yuuzhan Vong escape pod" *Yuuzhan Vong gunboat
  • 352(xsd:integer)
  • *Aing-Tii *Aqualish *Askajian *Bafforr tree *Bimm *Bith *Bothan *Brigian *Caamasi *Calibop *Chadra-Fan *Chiss *Codru-Ji *Devaronian *Diamal *Dornean *Drall *Droch *Drovian *Duros *Ewok *Falleen *Fosh *Gamorrean *Gotal *Ho'Din *Human **Alderaanian **Kuati *Hutt *Ithorian *Klatooinian *Kowakian monkey-lizard *Kubaz *Mantellian Savrip *Mon Calamari *Mrlssi *Myneyrsh *Noghri *Oolid *Psadan *Qella *Quarren *Rodian *Rughja *Ruurian *Ryn *Saheelindeeli *Swimming People of Dellalt "Dellaltian" *Ssi-ruu *Sullustan *Talz *Tammarian *Taurill *Togorian *Trandoshan *Trianii *Tusken Raider *Twi'lek *Ugnaught *Verpine *Weequay *Whiphid *Wookiee *Yevetha *Yuuzhan Vong
  • Посланники хаоса I: Проверка на прочность
  • 英雄の試練
  • Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial
  • Agentes del Caos I: La Prueba del Héroe
  • eu/lit/novel/f20000720/index.html
  • eu/lit/novel/news20000225.html
  • *Ambassador *Assassin *Bartender *Battle Tactician *BlasTech Industries *Clan Hakh'khar *Commander *Corporate Sector Authority *Councilor *Damorian Manufacturing Corporation *Dark Jedi *Director *Doctor *Domain Shai *Drovian (tribe) *Duskhan League *Executor *Extragalactic Society *Fallanassi *Fondor Shipyards *Galactic Empire **Galactic Emperor **Grand Admiral **Imperial Navy *Galactic Republic "Old Republic" *Gallofree Yards, Inc. *Gopso'o *Grand Marshal of the Blockade Runners Derby *H'kig *Haj Shipping Lines *Han Solo Associates, Limited *House Harbright *Imperial Remnant **Moff **Vice Admiral *Information broker *Jedi Order **Jedi Master *Kuat Drive Yards *Lady *Loronar Corporation "Loronar Corp." *Mercenary *MerenData *Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. *Nebula Consumables *New Jedi Order **Jedi Knight **Jedi Master **Radical party *New Republic **Astrographic Survey Institute **Chief of State ***New Republic Advisory Council **Combined Defense Forces of the New Republic ***Admiral ***Captain ***Commodore ***Gauntlet Squadron ****Gauntlet One / Gauntlet leader ****Gauntlet Two ****Gauntlet Three ****Gauntlet Four ****Gauntlet Five ****Gauntlet Eight ***General ***Home Fleet's Battle Assessment Division ****Brigadier General ****Colonel ***New Republic First Battle Group ***New Republic Second Battle Group ***New Republic Third Battle Group ***New Republic Fourth Battle Group ***New Republic Fifth Battle Group ***Rogue Squadron ***New Republic Fleet Intelligence ****Council on Security and Intelligence "Security and Intelligence Council" ****Director ***Ministry of Justice ***Wing Commander ****Blue Squadron *****Blue Two *****Blue Three *****Blue Four *****Blue Five *****Blue Six *****Blue Eight *****Blue Nine *****Blue Ten *****Blue Eleven ****Green Squadron ****Red Squadron **New Republic Bank **New Republic Intelligence Service ***Alpha Blue **New Republic Senate ***Senate Select Committee for Refugees ***Senator ***Sergeant at Arms *NewsNet *Peace Brigade *Pilot *Pirate *Praetorite Vong *Prefect *Priest caste **Deception sect **High Priest **Priestess *Prince *Princess *Prisoner *Professor *Rebel Alliance *Red Knights of Life *Salliche Agricultural Corporation "Salliche Ag" **Count *Scavenger *Sienar Fleet Systems *Sith *Smuggler *SoroSuub Corporation *Subaltern *Supreme Overlord *SyntheTech *Tagge Company "TaggeCo" *Tax-and-tariff agent *Taim & Bak *Telbun *Tenloss Syndicate *Trade Federation *Vessel Registration *Warmaster *Warrior caste
  • *Astromech droid **R-series ***R2-series astromech droid *Courtesy droid *EV-series supervisor/interrogator droid "EV supervisor droid" **EV-9D9 *Interpreter droid *Medical droid **MD-1 medical droid *MSE-6-series repair droid *M-TD miniaturized translator droid *Page droid *Protocol droid **3D-4X administrative droid **3PO-series protocol droid *Remote
  • *Agamar *Alderaan *Alsakan *Anobis system **Anobis *Atzerri *Balmorra *Baraboo **Institute for Sentient Studies *Bastion *Belkadan **ExGal-4 *Bespin **Cloud City *Bilbringi system **Bilbringi Shipyards *Bimmisaari *Borleias *Bothawui *Brath Qella / Maltha Obex *Bright Jewel Cluster **Ord Mantell ***Ten Mile Plateau ***Worlport ****Government House ****Hotel Grand ****Lady Fate Casino ****Launch Bay 4061 *Chandrila *Circarpous system *Commenor *Corellian system **Corellia *Corporate Sector "CorpSec" **Ammuud **Bonadan **Ession **Etti IV ***The Free-Flight Dance Dome **Gaurick **Matra VI **Ninn **Rampa **Roonadan ***Roonadan Spaceport *Coruscant **Alliance War Museum **Eastport ***Docking Bay 3733 ***Skywalker apartment ***Solo apartment ***Spacer's Lounge **Grand Convocation Chamber **Ministry of Justice building **Orowood Tower **The Abyss ***New Republic Intelligence Headquarters *Coruscant Prime *Crseih Station *Dac *Dantooine *Dathomir *Dellalt *Devaron *Dobido / Tosi-karu *Dubrillion *Edatha *Endor *Fodurant *Folor *Fondor **Fondor Shipyards *Gamorr *Gandolo IV *Garqi *Gyndine system **Gyndine *Hapes Cluster *Helska system **Helska **Helska IV *Honoghr *Hoth *Hutt Space **Nar Hekka **Nar Shaddaa ***Corellian Sector ****Spacebarn *Jagga II *Jubilee Wheel **Bet's Off *Kashyyyk **Anarrad pit **Karryntora **Northaykk **Rryatt Trail **Rwookrrorro ***Thiss **Shadowlands "Shadow Forest" ***Well of the Dead **Thikkiiana Peninsula **Wartaki Islands *Kashyyyk (star) *Kessel *Koornacht Cluster *Kuat **Kuat City ***Nebula Orchid *Lando's Folly *Lesser Plooriod Cluster *Lorrd *M'haeli *Meridian sector **Ampliquen **Budpock **Damonite Yors-B **Durren Orbital **Exodo II **Nam Chorios **Nim Drovis ***Bagsho ****Old Town *****Sector Medical Facility **Spangled Veil Nebula *Myrkr **Hyllyard City *Nirauan *Obroa-skai system **Obroa-skai ***Obroan Institute for Archaeology "Obroan Institute" *Obroa-skai primary *Oolidi *Ottega system **Ithor *Ralltiir *Rhinnal *Rhommamool *Rodia *Ruan *Ryloth *Sernpidal *Sluis Van **Sluis Van Shipyards *Star Winds Lounge *Tatooine **Mos Eisley ***Docking Bay 94 *Thyferra *Tingel Arm *Tion Hegemony *Trandosha *Unknown Regions *Vortex *Wayland **Mount Tantiss **New Nystao *Wayland (star) *Yavin 4 **Jedi academy *Ylesia *Yuuzhan Vong galaxy
Followed By
  • Nový řád Jedi: Agenti chaosu I: Hrdinova zkouška
  • 345428609(xsd:integer)
Other Characters
  • *Etahn A'baht *Elegos A'Kla *Padmé Amidala *Seti Ashgad *Attichitcuk *Basbakhan *bel-dar-Nolek *Big Bunji "Boss B" *Big Bunji's Aqualish lieutenant *Ab'el Bogen *Bossk *Boz *Turk Brand *Saiga Bre'lya *Briil Twins **Lozira Briil **Rewinda Briil *C-3PO "Threepio" *Jorus C'baoth *Lando Calrissian *Capo *Gaeriel Captison *Chewbacca "Chewie" *Nas Choka *Cilghal *Cisgat *Salacious B. Crumb *Da'Gara *Daeshara'cor *Darda *Dewlannamapia *Borga Besadii Diori "Borga the Hutt" *Tenel Ka Djo "Tenel Ka" *Drathul *Hiram Drayson *Dryanta *Kyp Durron *Joi Eicroth *Tomla El *Kol Eyttyn *Fasgo *Egome Fass *Jagged Fel *Borsk Fey'lya *Gallandro *Hart-and-Parn Gorra-Fiolla "Fiolla" *Gorrlyn *Skent Graff *Groznik *Borert Harbright *Hethrir *Isolder *Jakan *Shimrra Jamaane *Mak Jorlen *Jowdrrl *J'uoch *Kallabow *Katarra *Obi-Wan Kenobi *Khabarakh *Khakraim *Traest Kre'fey *Mif Kumas *Exar Kun *Been L'toth *Kiles L'toth *Tsavong Lah *Beru Whitesun Lars *Owen Lars *Ixidro Legorburu *Elscol Loro *Throm Loro *Lowbacca "Lowie" *Lumpawaroo / Lumpawarrump "Waroo" *Lwyll *M-TD "Em Teedee" *Magg *Mallatobuck "Malla" *Nichos Marr *Gron Marrab *Porolo Miatamia *Callista Ming *Cray Mingla *Mitth'raw'nuruodo "Thrawn" *Mobvekhar *Tamaab Moolis *Mon Mothma *Muuurgh *Shug Ninx *Nien Nunb *Ayddar Nylykerka *Olmahk *Cal Omas *Ism Oolos *Palpatine *Akanah Norand Goss Pell *Gilad Pellaeon *Ark Poinard *Krall Praget *Danni Quee *R2-D2 "Artoo" *Ralrracheen "Ralrra" *Miko Reglia *Ganner Rhysode *Salporin *Ephin Sarreti *Saychel *Dif Scaur *Shedao Shai *Viqi Shesh *Thuv Shinev *Tanith Shire *Shoran *Wurth Skidder *S. V. Skynx *Anakin Skywalker *Luuke Skywalker *Jacen Solo *Jaina Solo *Kam Solusar *Tionne Solusar *Sonniod *Sien Sovv *Mako Spince *Streen *Yald Sutel *Tarkazza *Jode Tee *Bria Tharen *Jabba Desilijic Tiure *Tregga *Triebakk *Ploovo Two-For-One *Unidentified Gotal priest *Utchakkaloch *Valarian *Klaus Vandangante *Ven *Void *Vonzel *Wotson *Xim *Tolik Yar *Yintal *Yoda *Salla Zend *Zlarb
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