| - Spider-Man (Miles Morales) is a fictional comic book superhero who appears in books published by Marvel Comics, in particular the monthly series Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man. The character was created by writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Sara Pichelli, with Bendis and Marvel editor-in-chief Axel Alonso drawing inspiration from both U.S. President Barack Obama and American actor Donald Glover.
- Spider-Man (Miles Morales) is a character that is playable in LEGO Marvel's Avengers.
- Miles Morales was originally a 13 year old kid from Brooklyn in the "Ultimate" version of the Marvel Universe, who took on the Spider-Man identity after Peter Parker's death. Miles discovered spider powers of his own after he was bitten by a spider 11 months before Peter's death, and used these powers to be the best superhero that he could be. He later became a member of the Ultimates.
- Miles Morales first appeared in Ultimate Fallout #4 (August 2011), following the death of Peter Parker. A teenager of Black Hispanic descent, Miles is the second Spider-Man in the Ultimate Marvel continuity. Although Morales features in the Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man comic book series, he is not the lead character in the Ultimate Spider-Man animated TV series that debuted in April 2012 on Disney XD. Reaction to the character varied, with some, including Spider-Man's creator, Stan Lee, approving the creation of a positive role model for non-white children, to displeasure at the replacement of Peter Parker, with some decrying it as a publicity stunt motivated by political correctness, a charge Alonso denied. Alexandra Petri of The Washington Post called for the character to be judged on the