| - Phineas: First comment! WOOT! Isabella: (giggles) Dolcita: Grrrrr...stupid Phineas.... Isabella: Get out of here! Aliesha: Hello everyone! Ferb (enters): I heard someone screaming. Isabella and Dolcita (look at each other) : No one was screaming. Ferb: Hmm. I thought I heard someone scream "Get out of here" (looks at Isabella) and someone else say "Grrrr...stupid Phineas." Isabella: I screamed "Get out of here." Dolcita (proudly): Because I screamed "Grrr... stupid Phineas." Ferb: Oh, you're gonna get it now. (kicks Dolcita in the rump) Isabella: Wow! Ferb sure is chatty today. Phineas and Aliesha : Yes, yes he is. Aleisha: Jinx! You owe me a soda. (Phineas throws her a grape soda) Aliesha: I prefer orange. Phineas: I can go to the garage and get you one. Aliesha: Don't sweat it, but hey can I borrow a pen. Albert (enters): I don't have one right now, but I'll run home and get you one. You have my nerd word. Irving (randomly pops in): But you only have one left. Aliesha: Yeah, and no thanks about the pen. I'll get it from someone else 'cause you stink, Albert. Alt. Aliesha (pops in through portal): No way, he rocks. (both Alieshas start battling each other and destroy one wall of the house) Phineas: Hey Ferb, Here's bolt No. 473. Now we can add the spare wall we built, anticapating a situation like this. Aliesha and Alt. Aliesha: You anticipated a situation exactly like this. That's kind of creepy. Alt. Aliesha: Jinx! You owe me a soda. (regular Aliesha whacks her on the head with the grape soda can) Candace (enters backyard): Oh, look at what you did to the wall. You are so busted (starts singing Busting Feeding Frenzy) Smile Away Reformatory sergeant: No funky rhythms! Candace: Darn! Stacy: (randomly comes in) Hello, everyone! Phineas: Hey Stace. Albert: (hugs Stacy) Stacy: (pushes Albert off) Not right now, hon. Coltrane: Get away from my girl, Albert. Chad: Stacy, you're dating ... them?!? Coltrane, Albert, and Chad: Cheater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (the three of them start fighting) Stacy: Now, I can go out with who I really like, Jeremy. Jeremy: No way, I'm booked. (winks at Candace)