| - When creating a task, you can choose between three types: Habits, Dailies, and To-Dos. There are four main differences between them:
* Repetition: Habits and Dailies are tasks you know will be repeated frequently. To-Dos are one-time tasks with little or no repetition, like getting a root canal.
* Schedule: Dailies happen on a schedule, whether that is every day, weekdays only, weekends only, or specific days of the week. Habits and To-Dos don't follow a set schedule, but happen as often as you do them.
* Penalties: Habits and To-Dos have no penalty for not doing something in a timely manner. Dailies automatically penalize you if you don't complete them by the end of the days on which they are scheduled (see Health Points).
* Motivation: Habits can serve to stimulate to do so
| - When creating a task, you can choose between three types: Habits, Dailies, and To-Dos. There are four main differences between them:
* Repetition: Habits and Dailies are tasks you know will be repeated frequently. To-Dos are one-time tasks with little or no repetition, like getting a root canal.
* Schedule: Dailies happen on a schedule, whether that is every day, weekdays only, weekends only, or specific days of the week. Habits and To-Dos don't follow a set schedule, but happen as often as you do them.
* Penalties: Habits and To-Dos have no penalty for not doing something in a timely manner. Dailies automatically penalize you if you don't complete them by the end of the days on which they are scheduled (see Health Points).
* Motivation: Habits can serve to stimulate to do something different or new, or to penalize yourself for doing something bad. Dailies can serve to discipline yourself in some recurring task. A To-Do motivates you to do something that will not be repeated often, or at all. So, if your task is a one off, make it a To-Do. If you need to work on a habit, like quitting smoking or eating more healthily, make it a Habit. Enter scheduled, repeatable tasks, such as taking your dog for its morning walk, as Dailies. Dailies are also good for habits or once-off tasks that you really need to work on, because you will be automatically penalized for every day you put them off. Some examples can be found at:
* Sample Habits
* Sample To-Dos
* Sample Dailies
* Establishing Your Tasks