A creature found on Yavin. Yields Bristley hides, Animal bone and Carnivore meat when harvested. I have found that many of the rare Stintaril Prowlers do not reside near dead wood. Most are found near the Labor Outpost and are with other stintarils that do not reside next to the dead wood. For best results, walk or force run, do not ride a vehical, to find them. This gives the server time to load them. Jeadson Farlight
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- Stintaril
- Stintaril
| - A creature found on Yavin. Yields Bristley hides, Animal bone and Carnivore meat when harvested. I have found that many of the rare Stintaril Prowlers do not reside near dead wood. Most are found near the Labor Outpost and are with other stintarils that do not reside next to the dead wood. For best results, walk or force run, do not ride a vehical, to find them. This gives the server time to load them. Jeadson Farlight
- [Source] Les stintarils étaient une espèce de rongeurs vivant sur Yavin 4. Ces rongeurs attaquaient parfois les oiseaux-murmure se trouvant dans les arbres Massassi en les submergeant.
- Sintaril were a species of rodent native to the planet Yavin 4. They hunted in packs in the giant Massassi trees found on their homeworld and there overwhelmed roosting whisper birds.
- Los stintarils eran roedores que cazaban en los bosques de Yavin 4. De piel desnuda, ojos saltones y bigotes largos, estos mamíferos parecidos a ratas cazaban en grupos constantemente debido a su altisimo metabolismo. De hecho este era tan elevado que podían recurrir al canibalismo o morir si no se alimentaban en unas cuantas horas. El woolamander era una de sus presas. Las hembras llevaban a sus crías en la espalda, aún durante la cazería. Las camádas eran de cuatro a cinco crías.
- The Stintarils had sharp teeth that could easily puncture and hold on to prey, and a knobby hairless tail that was used for balance. These rodents attacked in swarms, being known for their great speed. Their prey mainly consisted of Woolamanders and Whisper birds. The species was nomadic and, as such, were constantly on the move; even their young, born in litters of four or five, were born in transit.
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| - A creature found on Yavin. Yields Bristley hides, Animal bone and Carnivore meat when harvested. I have found that many of the rare Stintaril Prowlers do not reside near dead wood. Most are found near the Labor Outpost and are with other stintarils that do not reside next to the dead wood. For best results, walk or force run, do not ride a vehical, to find them. This gives the server time to load them. Jeadson Farlight
- The Stintarils had sharp teeth that could easily puncture and hold on to prey, and a knobby hairless tail that was used for balance. These rodents attacked in swarms, being known for their great speed. Their prey mainly consisted of Woolamanders and Whisper birds. The species was nomadic and, as such, were constantly on the move; even their young, born in litters of four or five, were born in transit. The metabolism of the Stintaril was extremely high, and they had to eat often or risk starving to death within a few hours. Hungry Stintarils were known to turn on their own kind as a last resort, cannibalizing the weaker among them in order to survive.
- [Source] Les stintarils étaient une espèce de rongeurs vivant sur Yavin 4. Ces rongeurs attaquaient parfois les oiseaux-murmure se trouvant dans les arbres Massassi en les submergeant.
- Sintaril were a species of rodent native to the planet Yavin 4. They hunted in packs in the giant Massassi trees found on their homeworld and there overwhelmed roosting whisper birds.
- Los stintarils eran roedores que cazaban en los bosques de Yavin 4. De piel desnuda, ojos saltones y bigotes largos, estos mamíferos parecidos a ratas cazaban en grupos constantemente debido a su altisimo metabolismo. De hecho este era tan elevado que podían recurrir al canibalismo o morir si no se alimentaban en unas cuantas horas. El woolamander era una de sus presas. Las hembras llevaban a sus crías en la espalda, aún durante la cazería. Las camádas eran de cuatro a cinco crías.