| - Sweet Smoking Jesus is a 3D picture, dating to 1959, in which Jesus Christ looks at you, then lights a cigarette, takes a nice long drag and then ponders your fate before exhaling. The image of Jesus Christ, is an anomaly according to its creator, the now defunct Maxfield Novelty and Regalia Company of Racine, a large-ish city in Wisconsin, which manufactured 3D image shift pictures from 1940 through 1970.
| - Sweet Smoking Jesus is a 3D picture, dating to 1959, in which Jesus Christ looks at you, then lights a cigarette, takes a nice long drag and then ponders your fate before exhaling. The image of Jesus Christ, is an anomaly according to its creator, the now defunct Maxfield Novelty and Regalia Company of Racine, a large-ish city in Wisconsin, which manufactured 3D image shift pictures from 1940 through 1970. Upon its discovery - which many viewed as a sign of God's existence, the family that bought the picture at a Stuckey's outside Bogata, Florida, were overwhelmed with visitors and pilgrims who flocked to their modest home in southern Florida. Throughout the 1960s and early 1970s, the image of Christ taking a long-stoke on what appeared to be a king-sized menthol Parliament cigarette drew both the ire of organized religion and the adulation of those who believed that image sent a message of salvation for smokers.