| - Item #: SCP-RS-092 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-RS-092 is currently uncontained due to its ability to vanish at will. Given the potential danger to the public, Mobile Task Force Lambda-4 ("Birdwatchers") is authorized to terminate all wild instances that do not disappear on their own. Description: SCP-RS-092 is an anomalous avian creature that randomly appears in areas where humans are present. It superficially resembles a male Gallus gallus domesticus but is noticeably larger than a normal adult chicken. Instances are invariably hostile and have proven impossible to capture, hence the Keter classification. Upon manifestation, the creature begins assaulting a random human with an unknown form of radiation. The subject suffers severe and potentially fatal burns unless he or she retreats to a safe distance, in which case SCP-RS-092 will not continue to pursue its target. SCP-RS-092 vanishes after some time and may disappear in the middle of attacking. The entity is capable of human speech and will taunt its victims during an assault, often addressing them by their names. The means by which it learns their identities is not known. Incidents involving SCP-RS-092 have been linked to at least ██,███ deaths and ██.█ million injuries to date. SCP-RS-092 is cannibalistic and has been observed to feed on other chickens. Instances are not impervious to physical trauma but are far more resilient than normal fowl. Therefore, the most effective means of termination is via blunt force, preferably through use of modern weapons. Examination of recovered corpses has revealed no abnormal organs. The remains closely resemble regular chicken meat; D-class have reported no ill effects from consumption. SCP-RS-092 is capable of producing eggs despite being male. Some ██ eggs are kept at Site-██ for research purposes; experimental incubation in secure environments is being considered. While the origin of SCP-RS-092 is of yet unknown, several references to an "evil chicken" and accompanying theories exist in literature. Efforts to determine the veracity of these theories are underway. Addendum: Attacks on humans appear to have abruptly stopped as of 17 Moevyng, Year 16█ of the Fifth Age. However, manifestations now occur in areas with high concentrations of chickens, particularly poultry farms. SCP-RS-092 has been seen to encourage other chickens to revolt against humans, although no change in the behavior of non-anomalous chickens has been observed. Updated containment procedures are under development; reclassification to Euclid is pending O5 approval.