Create a new article, switch to the Source tab in the article editor, and then Copy and paste the following. Update each line, as appropriate. {{Infobox System | Name = System Name | Image = [[File:System Placeholder.png|300px]] | Ownership = Lawless (Pirate) / UEE / Xi'an / Vanduul / Kr'Thak / Joint UEE Xi'an | Planets = # of planets | Planetary Rotation = Planet names and their rotation periods measured in SED (standard Earth days), separated by tags | Jump points = [[xxx system|xxx]], [[zzz system|zzz]] | Import = Merchandise imports, with links | Export = Merchandise exports, with links | Black Market = Merchandise exports, with links (if any) | Crime Status = None / Low / Medium / High | UEE Strategic Value = Red / Orange / Yellow / Green / Purple / White / Grey / Black }} {{Quote
Attributes | Values |
| |
| - Star Citizen Wiki:Example system
| - Create a new article, switch to the Source tab in the article editor, and then Copy and paste the following. Update each line, as appropriate. {{Infobox System | Name = System Name | Image = [[File:System Placeholder.png|300px]] | Ownership = Lawless (Pirate) / UEE / Xi'an / Vanduul / Kr'Thak / Joint UEE Xi'an | Planets = # of planets | Planetary Rotation = Planet names and their rotation periods measured in SED (standard Earth days), separated by tags | Jump points = [[xxx system|xxx]], [[zzz system|zzz]] | Import = Merchandise imports, with links | Export = Merchandise exports, with links | Black Market = Merchandise exports, with links (if any) | Crime Status = None / Low / Medium / High | UEE Strategic Value = Red / Orange / Yellow / Green / Purple / White / Grey / Black }} {{Quote
| |
| |
Jump points
| |
UEE Strategic Value
| - Red / Orange / Yellow / Green / Purple / White / Grey / Black
| |
| - Merchandise imports, with links
| - Lawless / UEE / Xi'an / Vanduul / Kr'Thak / Joint UEE Xi'an
| |
| - Merchandise exports, with links
Crime Status
| - None / Low / Medium / High
Black Market
| - Merchandise exports, with links
Planetary Rotation
| - Planet names and their rotation periods measured in SED , separated by <br /> tags
| - Create a new article, switch to the Source tab in the article editor, and then Copy and paste the following. Update each line, as appropriate. {{Infobox System | Name = System Name | Image = [[File:System Placeholder.png|300px]] | Ownership = Lawless (Pirate) / UEE / Xi'an / Vanduul / Kr'Thak / Joint UEE Xi'an | Planets = # of planets | Planetary Rotation = Planet names and their rotation periods measured in SED (standard Earth days), separated by tags | Jump points = [[xxx system|xxx]], [[zzz system|zzz]] | Import = Merchandise imports, with links | Export = Merchandise exports, with links | Black Market = Merchandise exports, with links (if any) | Crime Status = None / Low / Medium / High | UEE Strategic Value = Red / Orange / Yellow / Green / Purple / White / Grey / Black }} {{Quote|''Quotation, if any.''|''Source name''{{RSI|url=not-a-valid-URL/|text=RSI Webpage name for Quote}}}} '''System Name''' is (text about the system goes here). {{Clr}} ==Autopilot Navpoints== * '''[[Navpoint Name, e.g., Spider]]''': # mark # mark # (Nav # if you are using an ACorp standard projection unit){{RSI|url=not-a-valid-URL/|text=RSI Webpage name for Navpoint entry}} ==Appearances== * First appearance (if any, e.g., Cassandra's Tears 7, Jump Point 5, etc. Otherwise please delete the entire Appearances section) * Second appearance (if any, otherwise delete this line) ==Sources== [[Category:Systems]]