| - Hsao Chronicles was an influential text of the Way written by Hu Ling Do of T'u Lung in Shou Year 935 (−315 DR). In prompted a strong following of the Way in southern Shou Lung. In its pages, Hsao Chronicles examined various "Images" of nature, finding within them metaphors and drawing conclusions for the "superior man" who followed the Way. For example, a reed-filled fresh-water spring on the side of a mountain symbolized youth and inexperience, with Hu Ling Do concluding that training and education improved a person's nature, that it was better to be confident and correct. In the Image of a lake beneath a mountain, the water evaporated and thus enlarged the mountain—the lake symbolized carefree joy and the mountain stubborn silence, and so one should control temper and stubbornness as we
| - Hsao Chronicles was an influential text of the Way written by Hu Ling Do of T'u Lung in Shou Year 935 (−315 DR). In prompted a strong following of the Way in southern Shou Lung. In its pages, Hsao Chronicles examined various "Images" of nature, finding within them metaphors and drawing conclusions for the "superior man" who followed the Way. For example, a reed-filled fresh-water spring on the side of a mountain symbolized youth and inexperience, with Hu Ling Do concluding that training and education improved a person's nature, that it was better to be confident and correct. In the Image of a lake beneath a mountain, the water evaporated and thus enlarged the mountain—the lake symbolized carefree joy and the mountain stubborn silence, and so one should control temper and stubbornness as well as impulsiveness, instinct, and wild moods. A lake full to the shore beneath the sky represented a limit, and so Hu Ling Do argued one should break down their existence into manageable components, with each appropriately arranged. A thunderstorm at night signified chaos, and so Hu Ling Do declared that a superior man should be diligent and genuine, that they should bring order to chaos.