| - 它是在戰亂時期生存的必要食品,因為是重要的蛋白質來源。鼠肉一般以比較清潔的田鼠肉為主。各地食用田鼠的方法不同:華南地區會把田鼠腊來吃;而美國會把田鼠整隻連骨連內臟一起用刀柄拍碎,再丟進炭火內燒烤,又會用松鼠肉來弄餃子吃;東南亞的越南及柬埔寨有多種烹調方法:直接燒烤、用醬汁來煮或煮成湯。 In some cultures, rats are or have been limited as an acceptable form of food to a particular social or economic class. In the Mishmi culture of India, rats are essential to the traditional diet, as Mishmi women may eat no meat except fish, pork, wild birds and rats. Conversely, the Musahar community in north India has commercialised rat farming as an exotic delicacy. In the traditional cultures of the Hawaiians and the Polynesians, rat was an everyday food for commoners. When feasting, the Polynesian people of Rapa Nui could eat rat meat, but the king was not allowed to, due to the islanders' belief in his "state of sacredness" called tapu. In stu
| - 它是在戰亂時期生存的必要食品,因為是重要的蛋白質來源。鼠肉一般以比較清潔的田鼠肉為主。各地食用田鼠的方法不同:華南地區會把田鼠腊來吃;而美國會把田鼠整隻連骨連內臟一起用刀柄拍碎,再丟進炭火內燒烤,又會用松鼠肉來弄餃子吃;東南亞的越南及柬埔寨有多種烹調方法:直接燒烤、用醬汁來煮或煮成湯。 In some cultures, rats are or have been limited as an acceptable form of food to a particular social or economic class. In the Mishmi culture of India, rats are essential to the traditional diet, as Mishmi women may eat no meat except fish, pork, wild birds and rats. Conversely, the Musahar community in north India has commercialised rat farming as an exotic delicacy. In the traditional cultures of the Hawaiians and the Polynesians, rat was an everyday food for commoners. When feasting, the Polynesian people of Rapa Nui could eat rat meat, but the king was not allowed to, due to the islanders' belief in his "state of sacredness" called tapu. In studying precontact archaeological sites in Hawaii, archaeologists have found the concentration of the remains of rats associated with commoner households accounted for three times the animal remains associated with elite households. The rat bones found in all sites are fragmented, burned and covered in carbonized material, indicating the rats were eaten as food. The greater occurrence of rat remains associated with commoner households may indicate the elites of precontact Hawaii did not consume them as a matter of status or taste. France has several regions where people consume rat like Bordeaux. Rat stew is consumed in American cuisine in the state of West Virginia and it was also eaten in France in old Bordeaux. In France and Victorian Britain rich people ate rat pie. During food rationing due to World War II, British biologists ate laboratory rat, creamed. Rat meat is eaten in Vietnamese cuisine. Flesh of rat is eaten in Taiwan. Elsewhere in the world, rat meat is considered diseased and unclean, socially unacceptable, or there are strong religious proscriptions against it. Islam and Kashrut traditions prohibit it, while both the Shipibo people of Peru and Sirionó people of Bolivia have cultural taboos against the eating of rats. Rats are a common food item for snakes, both in the wild, and as pets. Adult rat snakes and ball pythons, for example, are fed a diet of mostly rats in captivity. Rats are readily available (live or frozen) to individual snake owners, as well as to pet shops and reptile zoos, from many suppliers. In Britain, the government prohibited the feeding of any live mammal to another animal in 2007.[Sōrs rīkwest] The rule says the animal must be dead before it is given to the animal to eat. The rule was put into place mainly because of the pressure of the RSPCA and people who said the feeding of live animals was cruel.