| - She shares the same past as the Primary Buffyverse's Willow all up to one point, Buffy Summers never came to Sunnydale. Because of that, The Master took over the town, making the club known as The Bronze to become his seat of power. Sometime after Willow and Xander Harris become not only vampires, but the right hands and enforcers of The Master's New Vampire Order. They also captured and tortured Angel, the vampire cursed with a soul. All that changed, however, when Cordelia wished to be in a world without Buffy thanks to a wish she made to the vengeance demon Anya, the Patron Saint of Scorn Women. Cordelia would find the town without Buffy was in a much worse shape. Bright color clothing were forbidden as well as staying out after dark. Cordelia would run into Xander and Willow who nearly killed her until she was rescued by a team known as The White Hats from the couple. After Cordelia told Giles about her world in which Buffy was the slayer and was sent to their town to protect it, Willow and Xander caught up with her, killing Cordelia. The couple would go back to The Bronze to help The Master prepare the machine, a machine that is used to drain humans of their blood. Shortly after, they threw a celebration for what Xander called "The Golden Age." Then Buffy Summers of that world showed up and tries to fight the master and his order with the help of Angel. But it was all for not when Angel was staked in the battle and The Master's head was cut off. Just as Willow was about to die too, she vanished.