| - Born in Alamosa to Eugene Colston and Wanda McMurray, Colston entered politics after dropping out of college. First joining the Conservatives in 1982, he then founded Liberals for Rio Blanco three years later, along with Matt Kompfeller. Kompfeller was made President of the party, while Colston was assigned the post of Secretary. Colston won the election, beating Progressive candidate and former Chancellor of Rio Blanco Phil Andretti; on 8 August, he resigned from the post of Secretary of the Liberals.
| - Born in Alamosa to Eugene Colston and Wanda McMurray, Colston entered politics after dropping out of college. First joining the Conservatives in 1982, he then founded Liberals for Rio Blanco three years later, along with Matt Kompfeller. Kompfeller was made President of the party, while Colston was assigned the post of Secretary. He entered statewide politics in 1994, when he was elected Governor of his home state Sawatch, running on a Liberal-Conservative ticket. He would later run for President in 2000, with the Conservatives backing him, after none of their candidates passed the required delegate votes during the Conservative National Convention. Colston won the election, beating Progressive candidate and former Chancellor of Rio Blanco Phil Andretti; on 8 August, he resigned from the post of Secretary of the Liberals. In 2001, during his term, the Chicago Pact was signed, abolishing border checks at the signatories' common borders, thus allowing Rioblancoan citizens to enter American territory (and vice versa) without passing through established checkpoints and harmonizing the visa policy of the two nations.