| - The Enterprise is transporting a group of Ixtoldans back to their home world along with the Ixtoldan ship Ton'bey: Ixtolde has applied to join the Federation. En route, they pick up a distress call from the USS McRaven, which was transporting a Federation ambassador to the planet, and Kirk changes course to investigate. The McRaven is discovered to be trapped in a fold in space, along with several other ships. A large vessel trapped in the rift has been sending out gravitational distortions that have drawn other ships to it. Despite objections from the Ixtoldans, Kirk, Spock, McCoy and a large number of security guards travel across by shuttlecraft to investigate. Searching both the McRaven and the giant ship, the party quickly learn that the laws of time and physics no longer apply, eventually driving anyone who stays there too long to madness and death. Worse, one of the security officers, Miranda Tikloko, is suffering from a severe fear of Romulans, the result of being the sole survivor of Outpost 4, coupled with a repressed childhood trauma. She unknowingly conjures up a large group of imaginary Romulans who kill several landing party members and even kills her lover Paul O'Meara in the mistaken belief he is a Romulan before Kirk stuns her and brings the attack to an end. Meanwhile, Spock makes contact with Aleshia, one of the disembodied consciousnesses inhabiting the ship, and learns they were the original Ixtoldans. The current Ixtoldans originally came from another planet in the system but, with their resources running out, they forcibly displaced the planet's inhabitants, having already reduced their numbers, and sent them off in the ship. It then became trapped in the fold, leaving the inhabitants in torment. The Ixtoldans attempt to destroy the ship to keep their history secret but Kirk's party reach the McRaven and contact Scotty, who is able to convince the Ixtoldans their cause is hopeless: Their secret has been exposed and they will be denied Federation membership. The Enterprise and Ton'bey work together with the badly damaged McRaven to pull the large ship out of the rift, allowing the consciousnesses of the original Ixtoldans to be released at last.