| - Larvesta may be frail, but don't let that fool you - it's a powerful force in physical combat, far more powerful than anything of its size has any right to be. (In fact, it's more physically powerful than its adult form!) Its bites and tackles pack quite a lot of force, and it has a penchant for metacombat feats. Larvesta's flare attack is based on its Constitution instead of its Strength. This makes it far weaker than the flare attacks of many other Fire Pokémon, so it only gets used for full attacks. Ember (Su): Larvestas have a very minor breath weapon; they can breathe fire. A Larvesta's ember attack strikes in a 15 ft. cone and deals 1d6 + HD + Cha mod in fire damage. Creatures in the area may halve the damage on a successful Reflex save, DC = 10 + Larvesta's Charisma modifier + ½ Larvesta's Hit Dice. Larvesta may not use Ember for 1d4 rounds after having used it. The sample Larvesta's Ember attack inflicts 1d6+8 fire damage with a save DC of 14. This is a [Fire] effect. Leech Life (Ex): Larvesta's bite attack does an extra 1d8 negative energy damage, +1 negative energy damage for every 3 Hit Die Larvesta has, to living targets. Larvesta gains HP equal to the negative energy damage it deals in this way, and any hit points it gains above its maximum are gained as temporary hit points that last for 1 hour. This is a [Bug] effect. Flame Charge (Su): Larvesta may move up to 4 times its speed when making a charge action (instead of the normal 2×). If it does so, all of the damage it inflicts is treated as fire damage (which means that Larvesta isn't able to benefit from Leech Life). This is a [Fire] effect. Take Down (Ex): Larvesta may add 2d8 damage to any attack it makes as part of a charge. If it does, it takes 1d6 backlash damage. This is a [Normal] effect. Backlash damage cannot be resisted by any means, and a creature killed by it loses 1 extra level/Hit Die if and when it is brought back to life. Caterpillar of Solar Embers (Su): Larvesta is essentially a living sun, albeit not a very powerful one. It constantly generates an aura of solar power in its immediate vicinity. The area of effect is equal to 10 feet × Larvesta's HD (70 feet for the sample Larvesta). This area is constantly under the effects of a daylight spell, mildly hindering all creatures with an aversion to sunlight or light in general (but often not having a severe effect, instead merely causing disorientation of some sort). Larvesta may suppress or resume the aura as a free action on its turn once per round. There is no save against the effect, nor does spell resistance apply. Anything vulnerable to daylight will suffer in Larvesta's vicinity, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. The effective caster level of this ability (for effects that care) is equal to Larvesta's HD. Flame Body (Su): Larvesta's body is very hot. Anything striking it with an unarmed attack or natural weapon takes 1 point of fire damage per HD Larvesta has (7 for the sample Larvesta) and must succeed on a Reflex save or suffer a burn. The save DC is equal to 10 + ½ Larvesta's HD + Larvesta's Constitution modifier (12 for the sample Larvesta). Vulnerability to Rocks (Ex): Fire and rocks don't mix well. Fire bugs and rocks mix even worse. Larvesta takes a -10 penalty to all saves against [Rock] effects. If a [Rock] effect doesn't even allow a save, Larvesta takes double damage and is sad.