| - Internal Conflicts Unlike many of the other City-States, Two River did not share a border with another nation prior to Tinto's separation from the rest of the states following the Dunan Unification War. As such, it's problem has been less about foreign nationals, but its own citizens. The racial make-up of the principality had left much uneasiness and aggression, as Wingers and even Kobolds could be discriminated against. Racial relations in Two River were made even more complicated in SY 432, when General Genkaku donated money to buy land in Two River City to relocate the Winged Horde of Tinto, as strip mining had made their original homelands all but unlivable. Eventually, they settled into a strip of land between the two branches of the Lana River. The citizens living in Two River prior
| - Internal Conflicts Unlike many of the other City-States, Two River did not share a border with another nation prior to Tinto's separation from the rest of the states following the Dunan Unification War. As such, it's problem has been less about foreign nationals, but its own citizens. The racial make-up of the principality had left much uneasiness and aggression, as Wingers and even Kobolds could be discriminated against. Racial relations in Two River were made even more complicated in SY 432, when General Genkaku donated money to buy land in Two River City to relocate the Winged Horde of Tinto, as strip mining had made their original homelands all but unlivable. Eventually, they settled into a strip of land between the two branches of the Lana River. The citizens living in Two River prior to their arrival tended to view Wingers as suspicious, and consequently, the citizens living within the Winger section of Two River City became poorer than those around it, and were far more often discriminated against. The region saw little bickering with the other city-states; however, Two River nearly went to war with South Window in SY 314, following rumours that Two River had been responsible for destroying North Window. However, an investigative team of Anabelle, Viktor, and Zamji managed to uncover the scheme, hatched by South Window weapons merchants in time to prevent any bloodshed. Sometime during the war, an incident occured here involving a Winger pickpocket named Chaco, who delayed the progress of Riou's group by leading them on a chase all around the Winger district. It was eventually discovered that a horrible monster was living under the city, the Pest Rat, which was eventually disposed of. Following this, Riou immediately returned to the human district to see General Kiba and a company of Highland soldiers in the city. Two River voluntarily agreed to surrender to the Highland Kingdom during the Dunan Unification War, making a deal preserving the autonomy of the human section of Two River in return for Highland Rule over the Kobold section, the main force of Two River's military. However, Highland did not honour this pact, instead choosing to invade the region, before being expelled by a united force of Two River City's three districts, and help from the Allied Army; Two River pledged their support to them afterwards, allowing Ridley Wizen and his troops to bolster the Allied Army forces. After the different races banded together and successfully defended the city from the Highland soldiers after a small skirmish, a newly united Two River joined with the Allied Army for the remainder of the war. After the war, Two River became one of the founding principalities of the newly formed Dunan Republic, following a role similar to the one it had once occupied during the foundation of the City-States of Jowston.