| - A Mus'haf (Arabic: مصحف, pronounced "Mus-haf" not "Mu-sh-af") is a "codex" or a collection of sheets (Sahifa, see below). The Qur'an, which Muslims believe to be revealed at various times and in various ways during the 23 year period at the end of Muhammad's life, was collected into a codex under the third Caliph, Uthman b. Affan.. The Islamic term "al-Qur'an" means "The recitation", denoting content. When referring to the material book, some use the term Mus'haf. Al-Islam.org writes:
| - A Mus'haf (Arabic: مصحف, pronounced "Mus-haf" not "Mu-sh-af") is a "codex" or a collection of sheets (Sahifa, see below). The Qur'an, which Muslims believe to be revealed at various times and in various ways during the 23 year period at the end of Muhammad's life, was collected into a codex under the third Caliph, Uthman b. Affan.. The Islamic term "al-Qur'an" means "The recitation", denoting content. When referring to the material book, some use the term Mus'haf. The Qur'an refers to itself as Kitab, not as Mus'haf. Noting this, some scholars have argued that in the Qur'an's does not present itself as a "book", which implies it is finished and complete, so much as a "scripture", something written or communicated, which gives it more dynamism and life. The Qur'an speaks of itself as K-T-B, even before it was put into writing. This use has led to a misconception: Some believe the Mushaf of Fatimah to mean the "Qur'an of Fatimah", thus accusing the Shi'a of believing in a special Qur'an. Al-Islam.org writes: