| - Liddy ran for the Presidency in 1976 on a platform of a strong foreign policy, interventionalism, increasing nuclear arms and military build up as a deterrent to Soviet military might, relaxed economic and business regulation and lower taxes to increase job and business growth, relaxed gun control, a hard handed policy toward the CSA, and restoring the American image on the world stage.
| - Liddy ran for the Presidency in 1976 on a platform of a strong foreign policy, interventionalism, increasing nuclear arms and military build up as a deterrent to Soviet military might, relaxed economic and business regulation and lower taxes to increase job and business growth, relaxed gun control, a hard handed policy toward the CSA, and restoring the American image on the world stage. Upon taking the office, Liddy grew worried about an increasing problem in South Vietnam. Communist guerrillas, once a symbol of the then ended Vietnam war, were on the rise again and leading revolutionary movements against the government. While many simply saw this as an outgrowth of the South Vietnamese citizens themselves which the South Vietnamese could handle, Liddy pointed the blame at Cambodia, where he believed revolutionary forces from the North were supporting and committing the activities, in conjunction with the Cambodian government. Liddy also believed that if these actions were allowed to continue, South Vietnam would fall, negating the bloody and hard won stalemate that had been achieved. While there was some truth to this, the Cambodian government was not involved in the increased guerrilla war, and the North Vietnamese only supplied communist forces, and did not have its military involved. In November of 1978, Liddy ordered secret bombing of Cambodian villages and land believed to contain guerrillas and their supplies (without the knowledge of either Cambodia, nor either of the Vietnams save for a few loyal warlords in the South who allowed Liddy their territory as a base). The following year, these actions were leaked to the general public by an agent known only as "Deep Throat". In 1979, Liddy was impeached and convicted for illegally bombing Cambodia from bases in South Vietnam and for secret atomic bombings of the area. His Vice President would serve out his term to 1981. Liddy's term is notable for a slopping economic downturn, inflation and stagnation, attributed by more left wing and moderate scholars to a lack of government intake due to far too lowered taxes and mass expenditure (though conservatives attribute it to world matters outside of Liddy's control).