| - Howard Gray - człowiek który wynajął Milesa aby ten porozmawiał z duchem jego tragicznie zmarłego syna Russella i dowiedział się czy syn miał za życia świadomość, że jego ojciec go kocha. Przy pierwszym spotkaniu z Straumem ten okłamuje go iż miał kontakt z synem i ten powiedział, że zdawał sobie sprawę z miłości ojca. Tuż przed wyjazdem na Wyspę Miles jednak znowu odwiedza Graya i mówi mu, że tak naprawdę nie skontaktował się z synem. Oddaje Howardowi pieniądze wzięte za usługę i mówi, że jeśli kochał syna powinien mu to powiedzieć za życia.
- Howard Gray è un padre ancora in lutto che ha ingaggiato Miles Straume per poter parlare con suo figlio, Russell Gray, recentemente ucciso da un pirata della strada ubriaco. Howard e i genitori di sua moglie hanno cremato Russell e sparso le sue ceneri nel campo di football della scuola dove giocava. ("Il padre che non c'era")
- Howard Gray was a grieving father who enlisted the services of Miles Straume to be able to speak to his son, Russell Gray, who had recently been killed by a drunk driver. Howard and his wife cremated their son and spread the ashes at the high school football field he played on. ("Some Like It Hoth")
- Howard Gray era un padre que sufría por la muerte de su hijo, que contactó con Miles Straume para poder hablar con él, Russell Gray, quien recientemente había sido atropellado por un conductor borracho. Howard y su esposa incineraron a su hijo y las esparcieron en la cancha del fútbol de su instituto. ("[[|]]")
- Howard Gray est un père en deuil qui fait appel aux services de Miles Straume pour qu'il puisse parler à son fils, Russell Gray, qui a été récemment tué par un chauffard ivre. Howard et sa femme ont incinéré le corps de leur fils et ont répandu les cendres sur le terrain de football du lycée où il jouait. (Parle avec eux)
- Howard Gray appeared in Coronation Street as pilot Ben Carrig in August 2010. In the same year he appeared in the footballing comedy film Reds & Blues: The Ballad of Dixie & Kenny as a doctor.
- Howard Gray contatou Miles Straume para fazê-lo conversar com seu filho morto, Russell Gray. Seu filho havia sido morto por um motorista bêbado e ele havia sido cremado e teve suas cinzas espalhadas pelo campo de futebol onde costumava jogar. Howard queria dizer a seu filho que o amava. ("Some Like it Hoth")
- Howard Gray was a man who hired Miles Straume as a spiritual liaison following the death of his son. Gray feared that, as he never fully expressed his feelings, that his son may never have known he loved him. When Miles requested to know where the location of the grave was, Gray responded that his son was not buried, but was actually cremated, with his ashes spread across the local high school football field. Miles noted that this would make the process difficult, but nonetheless took Howard's hands, and appeared to enter into a communion with the deceased son. Miles then relayed the fact that his son knew his father loved him, and always had. However, the entire act was a charade on Mile's part, as he was unable to commune with the son without a physical body. Miles returned some time lat
- Howard Gray ist der Vater von Russell Gray und ein Kunde von Miles Straume. Howard Gray hatte Miles angefordert, um Kontakt zu seinem verstorbenen Sohn Russell Gray aufzunehmen. Dieser starb bei einem Autounfall. Miles möchte wissen, wo sein Leichnam begraben ist, aber Howard meint, dass er eingeäschert wurde und man seine Asche auf dem Football-Feld der Schule verteilt hat. Miles sagt ihm, dass das, was er tut, wesentlich leichter ist, wenn er eine Leiche hat. Mr. Gray möchte aber unbedingt, dass Miles seinen Sohn fragt, ob dieser wisse, dass sein Vater ihn immer geliebt hat. Miles fordert für die darum einen höheren Lohn, welchen Mr. Gray ihm sofort gibt. Sie halten sich kurz an den Händen und kurz darauf sagt Miles, dass sein Sohn immer gewusst habe, dass er ihn liebt. Howard bedankt si