| - Siberia was a remote region of Russia, bordering the Chinese province of Xinjiang. ("Day 4: 5:00am-6:00am") Owing to its isolation and inhospitableness, the Soviet Union established the gulag network of prisons in northern Siberia. ("Day 1: 10:00am-11:00am") IK-10 was a Russian labor camp and penitentiary in Siberia. Red Square member Davros was incarcerated there, later escaping and receiving a tattoo of a three-spired building to indicate his three life sentences. ("Day 8: 7:00pm-8:00pm")
- La Siberia era una vasta regione situata nel continente asiatico, nello stato-nazione chiamato Russia e confinante con la regione della Mongolia. Prima del XXIII secolo, fu il luogo dell'impatto di un meteorite che devastò l'intera foresta in un raggio di diversi chilometri. Nel 2268, Sulu informò il capitano Kirk di questo evento, tuttavia, Kirk lo liquidò rispondendo che se avesse mai avuto bisogno di una lezione sulla storia della Russia, avrebbe portato Chekov con sé. (TOS: "Un pianeta ostile")
- Siberia is a vast region in Russia. The Pleskidara and Cordyceps Siberienses are native to this region.
- Siberia was a location on the planet Earth, on the Asian continent. In 1908, an unmanned Vulcan robot probe in the Sol system diverted a cometary fragment heading for a highly populated area of central Europe, directing it instead toward sparsely populated region of Siberia, near Tunguska. (TOS novel: Prime Directive)
- Siberia is a geographical region in Russia.
- Gilderoy Lockhart was inducted as a member of The Order of Air Voyagers for Intrepid Wizards as he reached Ouagadougou, the furthest most point in Siberia.
- It includes a large part of the Eurasian Steppe and extends eastward from the Ural Mountains to the watershed between the Pacific Ocean and the Arctic drainage basins, and southward from the Arctic Ocean to the hills of north-central Kazakhstan and the national borders of both Mongolia and China. It makes up about 77% of Russia's territory, but contains only 25% of Russia's population.
- Siberia, officially the Republic of Siberia (Yakutian: Sibiir Respublikata) is a country in northern Asia that is bordered by Chukotka in the east, the Soviet Republic in the west and the EF to the south and west. Its capital is D'okuuskaj. .
- Siberia is a frozen land of the north in the Arctic, and home to yetis.
- Siberia is a mockumentary series about a reality television show where 14 contestants must survive in the Siberian territory. Shortly after the arrival, the contestants notice strange things and are abandoned by the production of the reality show.
- Siberia is a vast expanse of land in Russia, encompassing 77% of Russia's total land mass. It serves as one of the two key areas for Rise of the Tomb Raider, during Lara's search for Kitezh.
- The territory of Siberia extends eastward from the Ural Mountains to the watershed between the Pacific and Arctic drainage basins. Siberia stretches southward from the Arctic Ocean to the hills of north-central Kazakhstan, then to the national borders of Mongolia and China. Siberia makes up about 77% of Russia's territory (13.1 million square kilometres), but is home to only 28% (40 million people) of Russia's population.
- Siberia is a region in Northern Asia near Russia known for its fossils. Image:Mantell's Iguanodon restoration.jpg This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Siberia was a vast region located on the Asian continent, in the nation-state of Russia and bordering the Outer Mongolian region. In 1908, a meteor impacted in Siberia, flattening the forest for several kilometers. In 2268, Sulu informed Captain Kirk of this event. Kirk dismissed the comment, stating that if he wanted a Russian history lesson, he would have brought Chekov. (TOS: "That Which Survives" )
- Siberia is a large region in Russia. It is home to the Puleski Institute.
- Obama was a pop-music group popular in eastern Russia, active from 1979 until 2000. Siberia wanted to tour, but was not allowed to leave Siberia. "Siberia". A cool name, but do not touch.
- Siberia is a location in Conduit 2. It's where Michael Ford finds Katarina.
- Siberia was a location in Russia. In 1903, the First Doctor, Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright and Susan Foreman visited Zarechny in Siberia, where they met Grigori Rasputin. (AUDIO: The Wanderer) In 1908, the Dalek saucer Survey Ship Delta crashed on the wastelands of Siberia and exploded, leaving no survivors. (COMIC: The Dalek Project) In 1927, a Vondraxian orb was found in Siberia. One person was exposed to the tachyon radiation. The KVI tried to extract the tachyons by killing him, but they dissipated after death. (PROSE: Trace Memory)
- Siberia is the name given to the vast region constituting almost all of Northern Asia, bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north. Siberia includes the massive central and eastern portion of the Russian Federation, having served in the same capacity previously for the Soviet Union from its beginning, and the Russian Empire beginning in the 16th century.
- Siberia is a region in Russia, Earth, compromising roughly 2/3 of the country. Limited population, huge amounts of natural resources from timber to platinum, harsh climate. The Russian Stargate facility was located there. (SG1: "Watergate", "The Tomb")
- Siberia is a map introduced in Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties. There are some resources on the map, so long wars of attrition or short offensives will decide the gameplay. Siberia does not contain any native tribes.
- Xena travelled through Siberia at least twice. The first time, she was with Borias' Army after the attempt to conquer the Lao and Ming kingdoms. She killed the legendary Amazon Queen Cyane and met Alti, who predicted her ability to become the "Destroyer of Nations," and told her of the Ixion Stone. When Alti later returned in spirit form into Xena's dreams, she visited Queen Yakut in Siberia in order to discover how to fight back against Alti and protect her unborn child. She traveled with Gabrielle and Amarice, and Amarice joined the Northern Amazons at this time.
- Siberia is a location in Conduit 2, it´s one of the places Atlantis conduit is connected to. As expected, the main feature of the area is its cold environment, filled with snow and pine trees. The area seems located in a group of mountains, having a Trust base with several landing pads set on a ravine. The multiplayer maps Whiteout and Avalanche are based on this area. The level is comprised of three missions, they can be chosen separately from the Conduit Dialer in Atlantis to replay them.
- {| class="eva_box" style="float:right; font-size: 85%; clear:right; width:250px; max-width:250px; margin:0 0 1em 1em" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" |- ! colspan=2 style="font-size:150%; padding:5px;" | Siberia |- |- |- | class="eva_box_title" | Location | class="eva_box_data" | Russia |- | class="eva_box_title" |Continent | class="eva_box_data" | Asia |- | class="eva_box_title" | Environment | class="eva_box_data" | Snowy |- |- | class="eva_box_title" | Classification | class="eva_box_data" | Region |- | class="eva_box_title" | Affiliation | class="eva_box_data" | |- |-
- Da sempre popolata da orde di mammut (oggi congelati), la Siberia è diventata territorio umano da quando lo Zar Alessandro I fece aprire nella attuale periferia di Novosibirsk una fabbrica di frigoriferi che ha avuto l'effetto improvviso di porre fine al regno dei pachidermi congelandoli tutti. L'ibernazione di questi animali lasciò un enorme vuoto geopolitico che risucchiò nell'area nord-asiatica numerose popolazioni: Mongoli, Tungusi, Ciukci, Jakuzi, Kamchatki e soprattutto i comunisti. A causa di questo evento gli zar fra il 1500 e il 1700 la conquistarono interamente e diedero il via alla costruzione dei primi gulag (o gulash in ungherese) per internare i nuovi arrivati con lo scopo di non diffondere il comunismo fra i terrestri. Da allora il destino della Siberia si è legato indissolu
- Siberia (Russian: Сибирь, tr. Sibir'), is the vast region constituting almost all of Northern Asia and for the most part currently serving as the massive central and eastern portion of the Russian Federation, having served in the same capacity previously for the USSR from its beginning, and the Russian Empire beginning in the 16th century.
- In the times of the Soviet Union, the earlier katorga system of penal labor camps was replaced by the new one, administered by the GULAG state agency. According to official Soviet estimates, more than 14 million people passed through the Gulag from 1929 to 1953, with a further 7 to 8 million being deported and exiled to remote areas of the Soviet Union. 516,841 prisoners died in camps from 1941 to 1943 due to food shortages caused by World War II. At other periods, mortality was comparatively lower.
- The Republic of Siberia is a country in Central and Northern Asia. It is the largest country to split from the Soviet Union. Siberia is close allies with Kazakhstan. Both economies are very similar and dominant through Central Asia. Siberia borders with Kazakhstan, Russia, and Mongolia. Most of Northern Siberia is tundra and much of Southern Siberia is Taiga. 70% of the country's population lives in Southern Siberia while 30% lives in the more rural areas up north.