| - A trip to the Picnic Planet of Floriosophon Fidestra, a planet known throughout the galaxy for its flora and fauna, for the Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond and Rory Williams, brings them across a discarded communicator. It is sending out a distress call. Even though the signal is weak, the Doctor believes he can trace it and off the three rush to the rescue. As the pot starts to get hotter, they push against the sides harder, so hard that the pot tips over and rolls away, out of the forest for several miles, away from the village and out of danger.
| - A trip to the Picnic Planet of Floriosophon Fidestra, a planet known throughout the galaxy for its flora and fauna, for the Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond and Rory Williams, brings them across a discarded communicator. It is sending out a distress call. Even though the signal is weak, the Doctor believes he can trace it and off the three rush to the rescue. Rory is first to spot cute giant koala creatures playing in a clearing. As the creatures scatter, they find more evidence of off-worlders – but it is a trap. Captured in a primitive net and bundled into a small cage, they are carried deeper into the forest and thrown into a large pot, where they find the other off-worlders. The pot has been shielding the rescue signal but the Doctor has the idea of tipping the pot to bounce the signal around it and hopefully a strong enough signal will be picked up by their ship. As the pot starts to get hotter, they push against the sides harder, so hard that the pot tips over and rolls away, out of the forest for several miles, away from the village and out of danger.