Clifford "Cliff" Widmore is a metafictional character who appears in Bad Twin, a novel written by Flight 815 passenger Gary Troup. Cliff is the son of Arthur Widmore and twin brother to Alexander. He was born 23 minutes after his brother on August 16th (16/8). He is described as having dark blue eyes, being right handed, and being about 35 years old. He married Shannon Widmore, but not long later she committed suicide. On the same day as her funeral, Alexander disappeared.
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| - Clifford Widmore
- Clifford Widmore
- Clifford Widmore
- Clifford Widmore
- Clifford Widmore
- Clifford Widmore
| - Clifford "Cliff" Widmore es un personaje ficticio de la novela Bad Twin escrita por Gary Troup .
- Clifford "Cliff" Widmore é um personagem que aparece em Bad Twin, um romance escrito por um dos passageiros do Vôo Oceanic 815, Gary Troup.
- Clifford "Cliff" Widmore è un personaggio metafictional che appare in Bad Twin, un romanzo scritto dal passeggero del Volo 815 Gary Troup. Cliff è il figlio di Arthur Widmore e fratello gemello di Alexander. Nacque 23 minuti dopo suo fratello il 16 Agosto (16/8). Viene descritto come una persona che ha occhi blu scuro, destroide, e di circa 35 anni. Sposò Shannon Widmore, ma non molto dopo questa si suicidò. Nello stesso giorno del suo funerale Alexander scomparve.
- Clifford "Cliff" Widmore is a metafictional character who appears in Bad Twin, a novel written by Flight 815 passenger Gary Troup. Cliff is the son of Arthur Widmore and twin brother to Alexander. He was born 23 minutes after his brother on August 16th (16/8). He is described as having dark blue eyes, being right handed, and being about 35 years old. He married Shannon Widmore, but not long later she committed suicide. On the same day as her funeral, Alexander disappeared.
- Clifford "Cliff" Widmore ist ein metafiktiver Charakter der Serie, der in dem Buch Bad Twin vorkommt, einem Roman von Gary Troup, einem Passagier des Oceanic Flug 815. Cliff ist Arthur Widmores Sohn und der Zwillingsbruder von Alexander Widmore. Er wurde 23 Minuten später als sein Bruder geboren jedoch bereits am nächsten Tag und somit lautet sein Geburtsdatum 16 August (16.8.), im Gegensatz zu Zander der gerade noch am 15 August (15.8.) das Licht der Welt erblickte.
- Clifford Widmore, surnommé Cliff, est un personnage qui apparaît dans Bad Twin, un roman écrit par Gary Troup, un passager du vol 815. Il est le fils d'Arthur Widmore et le frère jumeau à Alexander. Il est né 23 minutes après son frère le 16 Août (16/8). Il est décrit comme étant un droitier avec les yeux bleus sombres, et ayant environ 35 ans. Il a épousé Shannon Widmore, mais peu de temps après la noce, elle s'est suicidée. Le jour de l'enterrement, Alexandre a disparu.
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| - Vivian Widmore - Belle-mère
- Alexander Widmore - Frère
- Arthur Widmore - Père
- Shannon Widmore - Épouse
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| - PDG officieux de la Widmore Corporation
- Presidente da Corporação Widmore
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| - Clifford "Cliff" Widmore es un personaje ficticio de la novela Bad Twin escrita por Gary Troup .
- Clifford "Cliff" Widmore é um personagem que aparece em Bad Twin, um romance escrito por um dos passageiros do Vôo Oceanic 815, Gary Troup.
- Clifford "Cliff" Widmore è un personaggio metafictional che appare in Bad Twin, un romanzo scritto dal passeggero del Volo 815 Gary Troup. Cliff è il figlio di Arthur Widmore e fratello gemello di Alexander. Nacque 23 minuti dopo suo fratello il 16 Agosto (16/8). Viene descritto come una persona che ha occhi blu scuro, destroide, e di circa 35 anni. Sposò Shannon Widmore, ma non molto dopo questa si suicidò. Nello stesso giorno del suo funerale Alexander scomparve. 4 mesi dopo, Cliff assume l'investigatore Paul Artisan per ritrovare suo fratello a qualsiasi costo. Assume inoltre Pru Cunningham per seguire la propria madrigna, Vivian Widmore, dopo che comincia a sospettare che questa tradisca suo padre. Nel libro, Cliff è CEO (n.d.c CEO = Chief Executive Officer = Presidente Esecutivo) della Widmore Corporation. Suo padre Arthur è ancora ufficialmente nel ruolo, lasciando però le operazioni giornaliere al figlio.
- Clifford Widmore, surnommé Cliff, est un personnage qui apparaît dans Bad Twin, un roman écrit par Gary Troup, un passager du vol 815. Il est le fils d'Arthur Widmore et le frère jumeau à Alexander. Il est né 23 minutes après son frère le 16 Août (16/8). Il est décrit comme étant un droitier avec les yeux bleus sombres, et ayant environ 35 ans. Il a épousé Shannon Widmore, mais peu de temps après la noce, elle s'est suicidée. Le jour de l'enterrement, Alexandre a disparu. Quatre mois plus tard, Clifford a embauché un détective, Paul Artisan pour qu'il retrouve son frère. Il a également embauché Pru Cunningham pour suivre sa belle-mère, Vivian Widmore, qu'il soupçonnait de tromper son père. Dans le livre, Clifford est le PDG officieux de la Widmore Corporation, son père l'étant toujours officiellement mais lui ayant délégué les opérations quotidiennes.
- Clifford "Cliff" Widmore is a metafictional character who appears in Bad Twin, a novel written by Flight 815 passenger Gary Troup. Cliff is the son of Arthur Widmore and twin brother to Alexander. He was born 23 minutes after his brother on August 16th (16/8). He is described as having dark blue eyes, being right handed, and being about 35 years old. He married Shannon Widmore, but not long later she committed suicide. On the same day as her funeral, Alexander disappeared. Four months later, Cliff hired investigator Paul Artisan to find his brother at whatever cost. He also hired Pru Cunningham to tail his stepmother, Vivian Widmore, after he suspected that she was cheating on his father. In the book, Cliff is acting CEO of the Widmore Corporation. While Arthur is still in the role officially, he leaves day-to-day operations to his son.
- Clifford "Cliff" Widmore ist ein metafiktiver Charakter der Serie, der in dem Buch Bad Twin vorkommt, einem Roman von Gary Troup, einem Passagier des Oceanic Flug 815. Cliff ist Arthur Widmores Sohn und der Zwillingsbruder von Alexander Widmore. Er wurde 23 Minuten später als sein Bruder geboren jedoch bereits am nächsten Tag und somit lautet sein Geburtsdatum 16 August (16.8.), im Gegensatz zu Zander der gerade noch am 15 August (15.8.) das Licht der Welt erblickte. Cliff ist der aktive Generaldirektor der Widmore Corporation, denn obwohl sein Vater "Arthur" offiziell als Generaldirektor der "Widmore Corporation" genannt wird hat er kaum noch was mit den Tagesgeschäften des Unternehmens zu tun. Seine Mutter (die erste Frau Widmore) starb als er 3 Jahre alt war, an einem Autounfall, bei dem Alkohol eine wesentliche Rolle spielte. Clifford wird als 35 Jähriger blauäugiger Rechtshänder beschrieben, der sich Shannon Rogers zur Frau nimmt. Jedoch begeht sie kurz darauf Selbstmord. Daraufhin verschwindet sein Bruder "Zander" am Tag ihres Begräbnisses. 4 Monate später heuert Cliff den Privatdetektiv Paul Artisan an um seinen verschollenen Bruder aufzuspüren. Kurz darauf engagiert er eine weitere Detektivin namens Pru Cunningham, die nebenbei seine Stiefmutter Vivian Widmore, der er eine Affaire nachsagte, beobachten soll.
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